
From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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Smap ab mutare.png
2 Total Players / 2 Human Players
Size 1 (36×36) - S
Underground enabled
Scenario Description
The King's son has chosen a maiden's hand to take in marriage. The wedding will commence in six months. Everyone in the land is overjoyed about the upcoming event. Well, almost everyone.
Victory Condition
Defeat All Enemies.
Defeat All Enemies.png
Loss Condition
Time Expires (6 months).
Time Expires.png
Allies: Red/ Blue
Enemies: Red/ Blue
Minimap back.png
Twins map fullauto.png
Twins minimap.png
Twins underground map fullauto.png
Twins underground minimap.png

Hero restrictions[edit | edit source]

Like in Battle of the Sexes, the map has a gimmick where hero availability is based on their gender. In this map, only female heroes can be recruited. With the exception of Krellion, who can also be recruited despite being a male ogre.

Town Heroes
Castle ValeskaValeskaSylviaSylviaSorshaSorshaTyrisTyrisAdelaAdelaAdelaideAdelaideSanyaSanyaCaitlinCaitlin
Rampart MephalaMephalaJenovaJenovaKyrreKyrreGemGemMelodiaMelodia
Tower JosephineJosephineNeelaNeelaRissaRissaIonaIonaSerenaSerenaDaremythDaremythCyraCyraAineAine
Inferno FionaFionaMariusMariusOctaviaOctaviaPyrePyreNymusNymusOlemaOlemaCalidCalidAshAsh
Necropolis CharnaCharnaTamikaTamikaIsraIsraSeptiennaSeptiennaAislinnAislinnXsiXsiVidominaVidomina
Dungeon LoreleiLoreleiSyncaSyncaSephinrothSephinroth
Stronghold ShivaShivaGretchinGretchinKrellionKrellionGirdGirdGundulaGundulaOrisOris
Fortress MirlandaMirlandaRosicRosicVoyVoyVerdishVerdishMeristMeristStygStygAndraAndraTivaTiva
Conflux PasisPasisThunarThunarIgnissaIgnissaLacusLacusLunaLunaBrissaBrissaCieleCieleLabethaLabetha

Since hero restrictions are properties of the map, there is no restriction for towns added by Horn of the Abyss or VCMI Project mods.