
From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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Pyre the Demoniac
Attack small.png
Defense small.png
Power small.png
Knowledge small.png
No one knows Pyre's real name, but it is rumored that she was once a member of the Humanists, a foul cult bent on eradicating any non-human inhabitants of Erathia. Only she knows what motivates her to serve the Devils of Eeofol.
Specialty Ballista.pngSpecialty Ballista.png
Increases the Ballista's Attack and Defense skills by 30% Horn of the Abyss5% Shadow of Death for every 5 levels (rounded up).
Basic Logistics.png
Basic Artillery.png
Mini Portrait Imp.pngMini Portrait Imp.png
20–3015–25 Imp (100%)
Mini Portrait Ballista.pngMini Portrait Ballista.png
1 Ballista (100%)
Mini Portrait Hell Hound.pngMini Portrait Hell Hound.png
3–4 Hell Hound (100% Horn of the Abyss25% Shadow of Death)
1711 Horn of the Abyss1793 Shadow of Death

Show Ballista Specialty Table

Ballista Specialty Horn of the Abyss Shadow of Death
PyrePyre BallistaBallista [[File:{{{ucr}}} portrait (HotA).png|link={{{ucr}}}]][[File:{{{ucr}}} portrait.png|{{{ucr}}}|link={{{ucr}}}]] [[File:{{{3cr}}} portrait (HotA).png|link={{{3cr}}}]][[File:{{{3cr}}} portrait.png|{{{3cr}}}|link={{{3cr}}}]]
Level Attack Defense Attack Defense Attack Defense
Level 10 10 {{{ubatt}}} {{{ubdef}}} {{{3batt}}} {{{3bdef}}}
5 + 1 + 1 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
15 + 2 + 2 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
25 + 3 + 3 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
30 + 4 + 4 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
45 + 5 + 5 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
55 + 6 + 6 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
60 + 7 + 7 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
70 + 8 + 8 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
75/88 +9 + 9 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
5 + 3 + 3 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
10 + 6 + 6 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
15 + 9 + 9 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
20 + 12 + 12 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
25 + 15 + 15 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
30 + 18 + 18 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
35 + 21 + 21 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
40 + 24 + 24 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
45 + 27 + 27 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
50 + 30 + 30 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
55 + 33 + 33 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
60 + 36 + 36 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
65 + 39 + 39 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
70 + 42 + 42 +{{{4}}} +{{{5}}} +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}

Not to be confused with Pyre (dwelling).

Story[edit | edit source]

Pyre does not appear in the story text of any campaign levels.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Armageddon's Blade
To Kill A Hero as an enemy.
Horn of the Abyss
Frontier as an enemy.
Forged in Fire
Homecoming as an enemy.

See Also:[edit source]