
From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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YogYog Yog
GurnissonGurnisson Gurnisson
JabarkasJabarkas Jabarkas
ShivaShiva Shiva
GretchinGretchin Gretchin
KrellionKrellion Krellion
Crag HackCrag Hack Crag Hack
TyraxorTyraxor Tyraxor
BoragusBoragus Boragus Armageddon's Blade Map Editor
KilgorKilgor Kilgor Armageddon's Blade Map Editor
Battle Mages
GirdGird Gird
VeyVey VeyVeyVey Vey
DessaDessa Dessa
TerekTerek Terek
ZubinZubin Zubin
GundulaGundula Gundula
OrisOris Oris
SaurugSaurug Saurug
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory
Oris the Battle Mage
Attack small.png
Defense small.png
Power small.png
Knowledge small.png
Oris did not show much promise as a mage early in her career, but her uncanny ability to learn nearly any spell she sees cast has made up for any apparent lack of magical skills.
Specialty Eagle Eye.pngSpecialty Eagle Eye.png
Receives a 5% per level bonus to Eagle Eye skill percentage.
Basic Wisdom.png
Basic Eagle Eye.png
Mini Portrait Goblin.pngMini Portrait Goblin.png
15–25 Goblin (100%)
Mini Portrait Wolf Rider.pngMini Portrait Wolf Rider.png
5–7 Wolf Rider (100% Horn of the Abyss88% Shadow of Death)
Mini Portrait Orc (HotA).pngMini Portrait Orc.png
4–6 Orc (100% Horn of the Abyss25% Shadow of Death)
Protection from Air
1560 Horn of the Abyss1560–1630 Shadow of Death

Story[edit | edit source]

Oris does not appear in the story text of any campaign levels.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Festival of Life
Taming of the Wild as a player hero.
Clan War as a player hero.
For the Throne as a player hero.
Foolhardy Waywardness
Their End of the Bargain as an ally.
Hurry Up and Wait as an enemy.
Terror of the Seas
Evenmorn as an enemy.

User commentary

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Some may find the information in this section subjective or irrelevant.

Because Eagle Eye is one of the worst secondary skills in Heroes of Might and Magic III, and the fact Oris specializes in it, makes her one of the most useless heroes in the game. Perhaps the only propriety is, that one can acquire her troops when she is hired from the tavern, and she will make an excellent "sapper" for Witch Huts. Additionally, the Festival of Life campaign is much more painful, as she is one of the default lieutenants assigned by the campaign, and she cannot lose in battle due to failure conditions.

See also:[edit source]