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Kilgor the Barbarian
Attack small.png
Defense small.png
Power small.png
Knowledge small.png
Since defeating his father for rulership of his clan, Kilgor has earned much fame throughout Krewlod. Many consider him the only man capable of winning the generational Festival of Life.
Specialty Behemoths.pngSpecialty Behemoths.png
Increases allied Behemoths and Ancient Behemoths' Attack, Defense, and Damage by 10. Horn of the AbyssIncreases allied Behemoths and Ancient Behemoths' Attack and Defense by 5 and their Damage by 10. Shadow of Death
Advanced Offense.png
Mini Portrait Goblin.pngMini Portrait Goblin.png
15–25 Goblin (100%)
Mini Portrait Wolf Rider.pngMini Portrait Wolf Rider.png
5–7 Wolf Rider (100% Horn of the Abyss88% Shadow of Death)
Mini Portrait Orc (HotA).pngMini Portrait Orc.png
4–6 Orc (100% Horn of the Abyss25% Shadow of Death)
1560 Horn of the Abyss1560–1630 Shadow of Death

He is not an original Restoration of Erathia hero, but was added in Armageddon's Blade and is also available in Shadow of Death.

By default, Kilgor is not playable, but he may be enabled in custom scenarios in the map editor.

Story[edit | edit source]

Kilgor came of age during the Festival of Life and successfully won the tournament. He defeated the legendary Ancient Behemoth Ancient Behemoth Razor Claw, cleared all monsters from a region of Krewlod, defeated all the other competitors and eventually killed the current king, BoragusBoragus Boragus.

Several years later, Kija (Kilgor's third wife) successfully beat GeluGelu Gelu and TarnumTarnum Tarnum to the Sword of Frost, acquiring it instead for Kilgor. When Kilgor later fought Gelu, his Sword of Frost clashed with Gelu's Armageddon's BladeArmageddon's Blade, thus sparking The Reckoning and rendering Enroth uninhabitable.

Lost Lore Lost Lore[edit | edit source]

Alternative biography[edit | edit source]

The following biography was supposed to appear on the official (now-defunct) 3DO website, but due to a mistaken link was either never properly available or wasn't available among other biographies during all the dates the website was saved at by the Wayback Machine. A number of people claim they have accessed this biography somewhere on said website. The text was found on

Few remember a time when Kilgor did not fight alongside his father in many of Krewlod's internal clan wars. On his 18th birthday, Kilgor challenged his father for leadership of the clan. Falling quickly to his son's superior skill and ferocity, some say Kilgor's father died with a smile on his face. Why wouldn't a father be proud of his son's accomplishments?
Despite being the son of a clan leader, Kilgor's life has not been one of comfort being brought up in the clan's military schooling.
Knowing he would come of age during the 30 year 'Festival of Life', everything Kilgor has done was to prepare himself for his rise to the Krewlod's throne. His tactics have been called 'reckless' and 'brilliant'. Those who have encountered him on the battlefield and survived, recount stories of his 'insane pleasure' for the bloodlust of battle and the uncontrollable giggles of glee accompanying his berserker's rage. Kilgor has always sought the most chaotic center of the battlefield. To this day, he has always emerged from this chaos as the victor.
Kilgor's weapon of choice is a large two-handed spiked mace. He was once heard commenting, "You can't hear bones break under a blade."

Lost Manuscripts[edit | edit source]

In 1172 AS, Kilgor began his attempt to conquer Antagarich. He quickly took over parts of Erathia bordering Tatalia, then began invading Tatalia itself. AdrienneAdrienne Adrienne managed to forge an alliance between Tatalia and Erathia against Kilgor, but it did little more than slow him down. As Erathia was also busy fending off an assault from Mutare DrakeMutare Drake Mutare Drake, Kilgor quickly took over Marshland, the southern part of Tatalia, Hillbridge, Minewell and southern Avauntnell. His assault is stymied by LysanderLysander Lysander, who reclaimed Avauntnell and most of Minewell before eventually reclaiming most of Erathia. Kilgor, however, personally leads the Krewlod forces in Tatalia, proving to be incredibly difficult to fight. He continues his bloodthirsty assault on Tatalia through 1176 AS, killing the king and destroying the country. In 1177 AS, Kilgor acquires the Sword of Frost and forces GeluGelu Gelu to confront him with Armageddon's BladeArmageddon's Blade, thus causing The Reckoning and rendering Enroth uninhabitable.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Festival of Life
Razor Claw as a player hero.
Taming of the Wild as a player hero.
Clan War as a player hero.
For the Throne as a player hero.

Official Renders[edit | edit source]

See Also:[edit source]