List of campaign heroes

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This list contains all the campaign heroes in Restoration of Erathia, Armageddon's Blade, Shadow of Death, and Heroes Chronicles, and Horn of the Abyss. Hold shift to sort by multiple columns.

See also[edit | edit source]

Campaign Heroes (fully available in Map Editor)[edit | edit source]

These heroes who have both a portrait and profile in the SoD Shadow of Death/HotA Horn of the Abyss Map Editor. They are usually banned by default in regular scenarios.

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Campaign Heroes (with an unavailable portrait)[edit | edit source]

NOTE: This portrait is only available when only Restoration of Erathia Restoration of Erathia is installed.

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Name Class Expansion Source Specialty Skill 1 Skill 2 Spell
CatherineCatherine Catherine Map Editor  Knight Knight  1 - Restoration of Erathia Specialty Swordsmen small.png  Swordsmen Basic Leadership  Basic Leadership  Basic Offense  Basic Offense 

Campaign Heroes (with a unique portrait in Map Editor)[edit | edit source]

These heroes who only have a portrait (NOT a full profile) in the SoD Shadow of Death/HotA Horn of the Abyss Map Editor.

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Campaign Heroes (with a reused portrait)[edit | edit source]

These heroes are customized for the scenario(s) they appear in and do not have a unique portrait or profile.

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Expansion Source Hero Class Allegiance    Scenario
1 - Restoration of Erathia Clan LeaderClan Leader Clan Leader Heretic enemy Deal With the Devil
1 - Restoration of Erathia MotMot Mot Death Knight enemy Corporeal Punishment
2 - Armageddon's Blade Sir MichaelSir Michael Sir Michael Knight (prison) Farming Towns
2 - Armageddon's Blade AjornAjorn Ajorn Necromancer enemy Burning of Tatalia
2 - Armageddon's Blade TejveerTejveer Tejveer Necromancer enemy Burning of Tatalia
2 - Armageddon's Blade ObekanObekan Obekan Death Knight enemy Burning of Tatalia
2 - Armageddon's Blade HortensiaHortensia Hortensia Necromancer enemy Burning of Tatalia
2 - Armageddon's Blade JelanJelan Jelan Death Knight enemy Burning of Tatalia
2 - Armageddon's Blade GodomirGodomir Godomir Death Knight enemy Burning of Tatalia
2 - Armageddon's Blade SetheSethe Sethe Necromancer enemy Burning of Tatalia
2 - Armageddon's Blade KajitiannaKajitianna Kajitianna Death Knight enemy Burning of Tatalia
2 - Armageddon's Blade NuzrathNuzrath Nuzrath Necromancer enemy Burning of Tatalia
2 - Armageddon's Blade MihalisMihalis Mihalis Death Knight enemy Burning of Tatalia
2 - Armageddon's Blade QenayQenay Qenay Necromancer enemy Burning of Tatalia
2 - Armageddon's Blade ZartajZartaj Zartaj Death Knight enemy Burning of Tatalia
2 - Armageddon's Blade DikishaDikisha Dikisha Death Knight enemy Burning of Tatalia
2 - Armageddon's Blade PhotimaPhotima Photima Necromancer enemy Burning of Tatalia
2 - Armageddon's Blade VelloreVellore Vellore Death Knight enemy Burning of Tatalia
2 - Armageddon's Blade DrakonDrakon Drakon Beastmaster (prison) Burning of Tatalia
3 - Shadow of Death GurnisGurnis Gurnis Barbarian enemy Bashing Skulls
3 - Shadow of Death BarshonBarshon Barshon Barbarian enemy Bashing Skulls
3 - Shadow of Death MarzethMarzeth Marzeth Death Knight enemy Black Sheep
3 - Shadow of Death SlashSlash Slash Knight (prison) Grave Robber
3 - Shadow of Death CharnathCharnath Charnath Death Knight enemy Grave Robber
3 - Shadow of Death EthricEthric Ethric Warlock enemy Master
3 - Shadow of Death VidominaVidomina Vidomina Wizard player Master
3 - Shadow of Death Lord AlariceLord Alarice Lord Alarice Death Knight enemy Finneas Vilmar
3 - Shadow of Death Duke AlariceDuke Alarice Duke Alarice Necromancer enemy Duke Alarice
3 - Shadow of Death Lord VelmorLord Velmor Lord Velmor Knight enemy Gathering the Legion
3 - Shadow of Death TyranellTyranell Tyranell Knight enemy Gathering the Legion
3 - Shadow of Death Lord ChasimLord Chasim Lord Chasim Knight enemy Gathering the Legion
3 - Shadow of Death Lord FayetteLord Fayette Lord Fayette Death Knight enemy Final Peace
3 - Shadow of Death ZorlanZorlan Zorlan Barbarian enemy Barbarian Brothers
3 - Shadow of Death SwankartSwankart Swankart Battle Mage enemy Barbarian Brothers
3 - Shadow of Death VenthinVenthin Venthin Battle Mage enemy Barbarian Brothers
3 - Shadow of Death ZinithaZinitha Zinitha Battle Mage enemy Barbarian Brothers
3 - Shadow of Death DenarmDenarm Denarm Battle Mage enemy Barbarian Brothers
3 - Shadow of Death Lord DufusLord Dufus Lord Dufus Death Knight enemy With Blinders On
5 - Heroes Chronicles RabakRabak Rabak Barbarian enemy A Barbarian King
5 - Heroes Chronicles KurlKurl Kurl Wizard enemy Ultimatum
5 - Heroes Chronicles AllisonAllison Allison Knight player The Queen's Command
5 - Heroes Chronicles JormJorm Jorm Demoniac enemy The Queen's Command
5 - Heroes Chronicles TrynnTrynn Trynn Knight player Never Deal with a Demon
5 - Heroes Chronicles NorvanNorvan Norvan Cleric player Never Deal with a Demon
5 - Heroes Chronicles DeezeliskDeezelisk Deezelisk Demoniac enemy Never Deal with a Demon
5 - Heroes Chronicles MensorMensor Mensor Knight (prison) Never Deal with a Demon
5 - Heroes Chronicles ValitaValita Valita Ranger (prison)
Dragon's Blood (campaign scenario)
The Dragon Mothers
5 - Heroes Chronicles King TargorKing Targor King Targor Barbarian enemy The Roots of Life
5 - Heroes Chronicles VorrVorr Vorr Demoniac enemy Vorr, the Insane
5 - Heroes Chronicles Baron PaglonBaron Paglon Baron Paglon Knight enemy By Royal Decree
5 - Heroes Chronicles NivenNiven Niven Knight player The First Tatalian War
5 - Heroes Chronicles GryphonheartGryphonheart Gryphonheart Knight enemy The First Tatalian War
5 - Heroes Chronicles KijaKija Kija Battle Mage enemy The Barbarian's Wife
5 - Heroes Chronicles NumasNumas Numas Battle Mage enemy The Protectors of the Sword
5 - Heroes Chronicles JinaraJinara Jinara Battle Mage enemy The Protectors of the Sword
5 - Heroes Chronicles LarnLarn Larn Barbarian enemy The Protectors of the Sword
5 - Heroes Chronicles VolVol Vol Ranger enemy The Protectors of the Sword
4 - Horn of the Abyss WardenWarden Warden Overlord enemy All Hands on Board!
4 - Horn of the Abyss XarfaxXarfax Xarfax Knight enemy World on Fire
4 - Horn of the Abyss CregholCreghol Creghol Barbarian enemy Beyond the Horizon
4 - Horn of the Abyss GuerhaughGuerhaugh Guerhaugh Battle Mage enemy
enemy (prison)
Beyond the Horizon
New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss NaghbanNaghban Naghban Barbarian enemy Beyond the Horizon
4 - Horn of the Abyss TerghezTerghez Terghez Barbarian
enemy (prison)
Beyond the Horizon
New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss Tan-GhunTan-Ghun Tan-Ghun Barbarian enemy Beyond the Horizon
4 - Horn of the Abyss BessBess Bess Captain enemy Dead or Alive
4 - Horn of the Abyss EvadneEvadne Evadne Navigator enemy Dead or Alive
4 - Horn of the Abyss QuingQuing Quing Navigator enemy Dead or Alive
4 - Horn of the Abyss SwarnSwarn Swarn Captain enemy Dead or Alive
4 - Horn of the Abyss MalathiMalathi Malathi Navigator enemy Dead or Alive
4 - Horn of the Abyss ZeytossZeytoss Zeytoss Navigator enemy Dead or Alive
4 - Horn of the Abyss YlendoreYlendore Ylendore Ranger enemy Dead or Alive
4 - Horn of the Abyss BerhanuBerhanu Berhanu Captain enemy Dead or Alive
4 - Horn of the Abyss SolendoreSolendore Solendore Captain enemy Dead or Alive
4 - Horn of the Abyss YzraalYzraal Yzraal Captain enemy Dead or Alive
4 - Horn of the Abyss MormolykosMormolykos Mormolykos Necromancer enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss VolothomonVolothomon Volothomon Knight enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss TrophonTrophon Trophon Necromancer enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss FulgheaFulghea Fulghea Elementalist enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss MelineMeline Meline Necromancer enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss UlkumiUlkumi Ulkumi Planeswalker enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss GorgheGorghe Gorghe Barbarian enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss AkratosAkratos Akratos Barbarian enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss SemachusSemachus Semachus Barbarian enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss PhlegethPhlegeth Phlegeth Demoniac enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss GhiusGhius Ghius Overlord enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss BreusBreus Breus Overlord enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss KotusKotus Kotus Overlord enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss ErybarusErybarus Erybarus Knight enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss PalaemonPalaemon Palaemon Wizard enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss DryopeDryope Dryope Ranger enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss AscalabusAscalabus Ascalabus Captain enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss ThammusThammus Thammus Death Knight enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss TonantTonant Tonant Planeswalker enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss TelchionTelchion Telchion Elementalist enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss IokeIoke Ioke Necromancer enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss KeioKeio Keio Ranger enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss YrkulaYrkula Yrkula Elementalist enemy Tomb Raiders
4 - Horn of the Abyss EndrelloEndrello Endrello Warlock enemy Deus Ex Machina
4 - Horn of the Abyss RumeonRumeon Rumeon Warlock enemy
enemy (prison)
Deus Ex Machina
New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss PyragastPyragast Pyragast Warlock enemy Deus Ex Machina
4 - Horn of the Abyss TharudTharud Tharud Warlock enemy Deus Ex Machina
4 - Horn of the Abyss RazargalRazargal Razargal Warlock enemy
enemy (prison)
Deus Ex Machina
New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss SkrellSkrell Skrell Warlock
enemy (prison)
Deus Ex Machina
New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss TheardTheard Theard Warlock enemy Deus Ex Machina
4 - Horn of the Abyss ReventyrReventyr Reventyr Warlock enemy
enemy (prison)
Deus Ex Machina
New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss IustIust Iust Death Knight enemy Deus Ex Machina
4 - Horn of the Abyss SemkatSemkat Semkat Necromancer enemy Deus Ex Machina
4 - Horn of the Abyss ThrondThrond Thrond Overlord enemy Deus Ex Machina
4 - Horn of the Abyss ThorrdThorrd Thorrd Overlord enemy Deus Ex Machina
4 - Horn of the Abyss NahiaNahia Nahia Necromancer enemy Deus Ex Machina
4 - Horn of the Abyss ThjardThjard Thjard Overlord enemy Deus Ex Machina
4 - Horn of the Abyss YsedoreYsedore Ysedore Overlord enemy Deus Ex Machina
4 - Horn of the Abyss LyadraLyadra Lyadra Wizard (prison) Deus Ex Machina
4 - Horn of the Abyss ThuligThulig Thulig Druid (prison) Deus Ex Machina
New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss ShaabarShaabar Shaabar Beastmaster enemy Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss XoloXolo Xolo Witch enemy Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss TzolkiTzolki Tzolki Beastmaster enemy Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss KsharekKsharek Ksharek Beastmaster enemy Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss SahssaSahssa Sahssa Witch enemy Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss KenatothKenatoth Kenatoth Beastmaster enemy Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss MallerioMallerio Mallerio Wizard enemy Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss WallenWallen Wallen Witch enemy Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss DekhaDekha Dekha Witch enemy Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss WergnaWergna Wergna Witch enemy Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss GyrzanGyrzan Gyrzan Beastmaster enemy Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss ChiqtliChiqtli Chiqtli Witch enemy Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss SteedSteed Steed Knight enemy Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss ThelasThelas Thelas Captain enemy Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss PholiusPholius Pholius Navigator enemy Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss RenglieRenglie Renglie Captain enemy Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss DarandDarand Darand Navigator enemy Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss DagdaroDagdaro Dagdaro Warlock enemy Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss LeydaLeyda Leyda Ranger enemy Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss Ha'OraHa'Ora Ha'Ora Witch (camp) Tarred and Feathered
4 - Horn of the Abyss WededhWededh Wededh Barbarian enemy New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss ZarghebarZarghebar Zarghebar Barbarian enemy New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss IlsingoreIlsingore Ilsingore Overlord enemy New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss UrdeonUrdeon Urdeon Death Knight enemy New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss XaverXaver Xaver Druid enemy New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss BanbraghBanbragh Banbragh Barbarian enemy New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss GohhGohh Gohh Barbarian enemy (prison) New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss YargoYargo Yargo Barbarian enemy (prison) New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss SenethSeneth Seneth Overlord enemy (prison) New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss HoroaghHoroagh Horoagh Battle Mage enemy (prison) New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss PhottPhott Phott Overlord enemy (prison) New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss JerheshJerhesh Jerhesh Battle Mage enemy (prison) New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss StrobusStrobus Strobus Warlock enemy (prison) New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss BalindarBalindar Balindar Wizard (prison)
New Order
Homecoming (HotA)
4 - Horn of the Abyss YovillaYovilla Yovilla Cleric (prison) New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss KhevasarKhevasar Khevasar Druid (prison)
New Order
Homecoming (HotA)
4 - Horn of the Abyss IlmarinIlmarin Ilmarin Alchemist (camp) New Order
4 - Horn of the Abyss StilbonStilbon Stilbon Ranger (prison) Homecoming (HotA)
4 - Horn of the Abyss NixieNixie Nixie Demoniac enemy Homecoming (HotA)
4 - Horn of the Abyss PhrikePhrike Phrike Heretic enemy Homecoming (HotA)
4 - Horn of the Abyss XexXex Xex Demoniac enemy Homecoming (HotA)
4 - Horn of the Abyss HorkosHorkos Horkos Heretic enemy (prison) Homecoming (HotA)
4 - Horn of the Abyss InsaneosInsaneos Insaneos Overlord enemy Homecoming (HotA)
4 - Horn of the Abyss LuedroLuedro Luedro Overlord enemy Homecoming (HotA)
4 - Horn of the Abyss BroulgBroulg Broulg Overlord enemy Homecoming (HotA)
4 - Horn of the Abyss TaugarnTaugarn Taugarn Overlord enemy Homecoming (HotA)
4 - Horn of the Abyss PolemosPolemos Polemos Demoniac enemy Homecoming (HotA)
4 - Horn of the Abyss KrehKreh Kreh Artificer enemy The Tree Killer
4 - Horn of the Abyss SiagumSiagum Siagum Ranger (prison) Chasing the Dream
4 - Horn of the Abyss BarbusBarbus Barbus Warlock enemy Chasing the Dream
4 - Horn of the Abyss FangtoothFangtooth Fangtooth Barbarian enemy Chasing the Dream