A Cold Day in Hell

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Smap hota inferno.png
A Cold Day in Hell
4 Total Players / 1 Human Player
Size 2 (72×72) - M
Underground disabled
Scenario Description
It all went downhill in the blink of an eye. Our plans for a first strike went bust. No time for new strategies, all we can still hope for is to merely survive.
Victory Condition
Defeat All Enemies.
Defeat All Enemies.png
Loss Condition
Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.
Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.png
Allies: Red
Enemies: 1: BlueGreen 2: Purple
Minimap back.png
A Cold Day in Hell map fullauto.png
A Cold Day in Hell minimap.png

Heroes[edit | edit source]

JedditeJeddite Jeddite the Warlock with 17 Harpy Hag Harpy Hags in prison at 63, 1.
Red AshAsh Ash the Heretic with one Efreet Sultan Efreet Sultan, primary skills 2/2/3/2, Bloodlust and Fireball at 63, 14.
Blue CatherineCatherine Catherine the Knight with 30 Archer Archers, 50 Pikeman Pikemen, 20 Royal Griffin Royal Griffins, and 15 Swordsman Swordsmen, primary skills 2/7/2/2, Advanced Leadership and Offense, in Town portrait Castle small.png Castle at 14, 57.
Green IvorIvor Ivor the Ranger with 30 Battle Dwarf Battle Dwarves, 45 Centaur Captain Centaur Captains, 10 Pegasus Pegasi, and 20 Wood Elf Wood Elves, primary skills 7/2/2/2, Advanced Archery and Offense, in Town portrait Rampart small.png Rampart at 65, 55.
Purple AlkinAlkin Alkin the Beastmaster with 45 Gnoll Gnolls, 23 Lizardman Lizardmen, 14 Serpent Fly Serpent Flies, and 7 Gorgon Gorgons, primary skills 0/10/1/1, Basic Water Magic and Offense, Advanced Armorer, at 17, 33. MirlandaMirlanda Mirlanda the Witch in Town portrait Fortress village small.png Fortress at 55, 29.