
From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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FionaFiona Fiona
RashkaRashka Rashka
MariusMarius Marius
IgnatiusIgnatius Ignatius
OctaviaOctavia Octavia
CalhCalh Calh
PyrePyre Pyre
NymusNymus Nymus
XeronXeron Xeron Armageddon's Blade Map Editor
AydenAyden Ayden
XyronXyron Xyron
AxsisAxsis Axsis
OlemaOlema Olema
CalidCalid Calid
AshAsh Ash
ZydarZydar Zydar
XarfaxXarfax Xarfax
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory
Xeron the Demoniac
Attack small.png
Defense small.png
Power small.png
Knowledge small.png
When Xenofex was slain and Lucifer Kreegan seized the seat of power, Xeron was the first to declare fealty to this usurper. Highly decorated and respected, when Xeron chose to support this new king, other heroes quickly followed suit.
Specialty Devils.pngSpecialty Devils.png
Increases the Speed of allied Devils and Arch Devils by 1 and their Attack and Defense skills by 10. Horn of the AbyssIncreases the Speed of allied Devils and Arch Devils by 1, their Attack by 4, and their Defense by 2. Shadow of Death
Basic Leadership.png
Basic Tactics.png
Mini Portrait Imp.pngMini Portrait Imp.png
20–3010–20 Imp (100%)
Mini Portrait Hell Hound.pngMini Portrait Hell Hound.png
3–44–7 Hell Hound (100% Horn of the Abyss88% Shadow of Death)
Mini Portrait Hell Hound.pngMini Portrait Hell Hound.png
3–42–3 Hell Hound (100% Horn of the Abyss25% Shadow of Death)

He is not an original Restoration of Erathia hero, but was added in Armageddon's Blade and is also available in Shadow of Death.

By default, Xeron is not playable, but he may be enabled in custom scenarios in the map editor.

Bug: the starting amount of creatures is equal to the one of the common Castle hero (fixed in Horn of the Abyss Horn of the Abyss).

Story[edit | edit source]

Xeron the Terrible is leader of the Sons of Erebus and a loyal and tenacious servant of Lucifer Kreegan. He is the son of a Succubus and an Erathian Knight whom she tainted and corrupted. After Xenofex appeared to Lucifer Kreegan in a vision, Lucifer tasked Xeron with acquiring Armageddon's BladeArmageddon's Blade and bringing it to him. Xeron set to this task with fervor, aided by his childhood friend Xex. Together they kidnapped Judge Sleen and forced him to help them find the 3 Conflux heroes protecting the artifacts required to create the blade.

Once Xeron had the required artifacts, he used Sleen again to locate the Grand Forgesmith Khazandar - the only one who could actually create the fabled blade. Khazandar demanded to be spared Xenon's Armageddon and be paid 30,000 Gold. Xeron agreed and Khazandar constructed Armageddon's BladeArmageddon's Blade for him. Once in possession of the Blade, Xeron ordered Khazandar to be executed.

While this was going on, GeluGelu Gelu slew Xeron's mother, which enraged him into sending Gelu a message via a corpse spiked to a tree:

"To the murderer Gelu, this is the only warning you will receive
and is to inform you I will be killing you and all that you love as you have done to me.
This message is revenge for my mother, you monster."
 -- Xeron, Leader of the Sons of Erebus, and bearer of Armageddon's Blade.

Nearly done with his quest, Xeron had only to return to Lucifer Kreegan. However, by this time the Erathians (under CatherineCatherine Catherine, RolandRoland Roland and GeluGelu Gelu) had nearly defeated the Kreegans. Xeron confronted the Erathians, only to be defeated at his moment of triumph. Armageddon's BladeArmageddon's Blade was taken from him and given to GeluGelu Gelu, though Xeron managed to teleport away before he could be finished off. Loyal to the last, Xeron and Sons of Erebus formed the last line of defense around Kreelah, but were eradicated under the combined onslaught of the Erathians, the Conflux and Armageddon's BladeArmageddon's Blade.

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Armageddon's Blade
Seeking Armageddon as a player hero.
Maker of Sorrows as a player hero.
To Kill A Hero as an enemy.
Oblivion's Edge as an enemy.

See also:[edit source]