
From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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School of Air Magic
Symbol for the School of Air Magic
Level 1
 Magic Arrow *
 View Air
Level 2
 Disrupting Ray
 Lightning Bolt
 Protection from Air
 Visions *
Level 3
 Air Shield
 Destroy Undead
Level 4
 Chain Lightning
Level 5
 Dimension Door
 Magic Mirror
 Summon Air Elemental
 Titan's Lightning Bolt
School of Earth Magic
School of Fire Magic
School of Water Magic
School:  all schools
Level:  2nd
Cost:  4/2
Duration:  1 day
 Basic effect
Displays number of monsters in a wandering monster troop and whether or not the troop will offer to join the casting hero's army. Range is equal to power or three, whichever is greater.
 Advanced effect
Same as basic effect, except an enemy hero's primary skill stats, and the composition and quantity of the hero's army can be viewed. Range is (power x 2) or three, whichever is greater.
 Expert effect
Same as advanced effect, except an enemy town's statistics and garrison composition and quantity may be viewed. Range is (power x 3) or three, whichever is greater.
 Probability of occurrence (%):
Town portrait Castle small.png Castle   13
Town portrait Rampart small.png Rampart   13
Town portrait Tower small.png Tower   18 (13*)
Town portrait Inferno small.png Inferno   18
Town portrait Necropolis small.png Necropolis   13
Town portrait Dungeon small.png Dungeon   13
Town portrait Stronghold small.png Stronghold   13
Town portrait Fortress small.png Fortress   13
Town portrait Conflux small.png Conflux   11
Town portrait Cove small.png Cove Horn of the Abyss   13
Town portrait Factory small.png Factory Horn of the Abyss   13
* Without Library

Visions is one of the adventure spells.

In the spell book, Visions will belong to the school with the highest secondary magic skill (e.g. Earth Magic).

Rogue[edit | edit source]

A hero with at least one Rogue in the army will act as if the expert level Visions spell has been cast. The effect is constant, but the ability is lost if Rogues are lost or moved to another hero.

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Visions is one of the most useful spells in the game. Especially in the early stages of the map it is useful to determine whether or not a a stack of wandering creatures will join or flee. This can be a significant advantage later in the game, if the map is explored more rapidly than the other kingdoms. Together with Diplomacy skill, which allows wandering creatures more easily to join the hero's army, Visions can form a powerful combination allowing hero to gather an army of wandering creatures. Later in the game Visions can reveal the exact values of enemy hero's primary skills and the number of troops in the army. It should be noted, that not even the Disguise can nullify the effect of Visions.

See also:[edit source]