Thieves' Guild

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In game footage of the Thieves' Guild. Player has acquired four Taverns and thereby unlocked eight different statistics. (Note: five Taverns are required to see income statistics.)

The Thieves' Guild is a built-in part of the Tavern. It provides information on the relative strength of all the players and heroes. Each player is portrayed by a flag of their color which is placed further to the left depending on their rank regarding listed information. The information available in Thieves' Guilds are dependent on the number of Taverns a player controls. Most of these informations are only comparative, not showing the exact amount.

NOTE: Heroes stationed inside towns, are not included in the best hero category. However, this is not true in the strongest monster category.

Statistics Number of Taverns
0* 1 2 3 4 5
Number of towns X X X X X X
Number of heroes X X X X X X
Gold X X X X
Wood & ore X X X X
Mercury, sulfur, crystal & gems X X X
Obelisks Found X X X
Artifacts Found X X
Kingdom army strength X X
Income X
Best hero X** X*** X X X
Personality X X X
Best monster X X
* With no Taverns, a player can enter the Thieves' Guild through:
   1)An ally's Tavern 2)An Adventure map Tavern

** Only portrait and name
*** Primary skills

Adventure map viewing[edit | edit source]

Additionally, the number of Taverns you own modifies what you can see when right-clicking an opponent's town/garrison on the adventure map:

  • If you have no Taverns, an opponent's town will appear to have no garrisoned creatures (an attack icon will still be shown).
  • With one Tavern, the creature stacks are shown but not their numbers.
  • With two Taverns, the creature stacks and their approximate numbers are shown.

HD mod[edit | edit source]

Thieves' Guild's information can be checked by pressing 'G' hotkey or using the middle-mouse click menu without even opening a town window.

See also:[edit | edit source]

Den of Thieves
Thieves' Guild (Cove building) Horn of the Abyss