Template:Artifact table - Torso

From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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Artifact Expansion Source Slot Class Cost Effect Combination
 Breastplate of Petrified Wood Breastplate of Petrified Wood 1 - Restoration of Erathia Torso Treasure 1000  Gold   +1 Power small.png Power skill
 Rib Cage Rib Cage 1 - Restoration of Erathia Torso Minor 3000  Gold   +2 Power small.png Power skill Part of Armor of the Damned
 Scales of the Greater Basilisk Scales of the Greater Basilisk 1 - Restoration of Erathia Torso Minor 4000  Gold   +3 Power small.png Power skill
 Tunic of the Cyclops King Tunic of the Cyclops King 1 - Restoration of Erathia Torso Major 5000  Gold   +4 Power small.png Power skill Part of Ironfist of the Ogre Horn of the Abyss
 Breastplate of Brimstone Breastplate of Brimstone 1 - Restoration of Erathia Torso Major 6000  Gold   +5 Power small.png Power skill
 Royal Armor of Nix Royal Armor of Nix 4 - Horn of the Abyss Torso Major 7000  Gold   +6 Power small.png Power skill
 Armor of Wonder Armor of Wonder 1 - Restoration of Erathia Torso Minor 4000  Gold   +1 Attack small.png Attack skill, +1 Defense small.png Defense skill,

+1 Power small.png Power skill, +1 Knowledge small.png Knowledge skill

Part of Angelic Alliance
 Plate of Dying Light Plate of Dying Light 4 - Horn of the Abyss Torso Relic 10000  Gold   -25% enemy Power small.png Power skill
 Dragon Scale Armor Dragon Scale Armor 1 - Restoration of Erathia Torso Relic 8000  Gold   +4 Attack small.png Attack skill, +4 Defense small.png Defense skill Part of Power of the Dragon Father
 Titan's Cuirass Titan's Cuirass 1 - Restoration of Erathia Torso Relic 10000  Gold   +10 Power small.png Power skill, -2 Knowledge small.png Knowledge skill Part of Titan's Thunder
 Armor of the Damned Armor of the Damned 3 - Shadow of Death Combo Relic 12000  Gold   +3 Attack small.png Attack skill, +3 Defense small.png Defense skill,

+2 Power small.png Power skill, +2 Knowledge small.png Knowledge skill

• Casts Expert Curse small.png Curse, Misfortune small.png Misfortune, Slow small.png Slow, and Weakness small.png Weakness on all enemies for 50 rounds

 Power of the Dragon Father Power of the Dragon Father 3 - Shadow of Death Combo Relic 42000  Gold   +16 Attack small.png Attack skill, +16 Defense small.png Defense skill,

+16 Power small.png Power skill, +16 Knowledge small.png Knowledge skill

+1 Luck Luck, +1 Morale Morale

• Immunity to lvl 1-4 spells

Torso/All non-miscellaneous slots

See also[edit source]

See also:[edit source]