
From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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Heroes Chronicles map icon.png Only available in Heroes Chronicles.
Campaign heroes
(portrait only)
KendalKendal Kendal Restoration of ErathiaArmageddon's Blade
ChristianChristian Christian Armageddon's Blade
TarnumTarnum Tarnum Heroes Chronicles
TarnumTarnum Tarnum Heroes Chronicles
OrdwaldOrdwald Ordwald Armageddon's Blade
GemGem Gem Shadow of Death
YogYog Yog Shadow of Death
TarnumTarnum Tarnum Heroes Chronicles
Death Knights
BoydBoyd Boyd Horn of the Abyss
MaximusMaximus Maximus Horn of the Abyss
FinneasFinneas Finneas Shadow of Death
SandroSandro Sandro Shadow of Death
KydoimosKydoimos Kydoimos Horn of the Abyss
TarnumTarnum Tarnum Heroes Chronicles
AtheAthe Athe Horn of the Abyss
MiseriaMiseria Miseria Horn of the Abyss
TarnumTarnum Tarnum Heroes Chronicles
GruezakGruezak Gruezak Horn of the Abyss
Battle Mages
ZogZog Zog Horn of the Abyss
AlkinAlkin Alkin Horn of the Abyss
AreshrakAreshrak Areshrak Horn of the Abyss
PactalPactal Pactal Horn of the Abyss
TarnumTarnum Tarnum Heroes Chronicles
BalfourBalfour Balfour Horn of the Abyss
JangaardJangaard Jangaard Horn of the Abyss
StinaStina Stina Horn of the Abyss
ValquestValquest Valquest Horn of the Abyss
WinzellsWinzells Winzells Horn of the Abyss
ElderianElderian Elderian Horn of the Abyss
UmenderUmender Umender Horn of the Abyss
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory

Tarnum is the main hero throughout the eight campaigns of the Heroes Chronicles. He remains a male human throughout, but goes through several different classes.

Class Barbarian Knight Wizard Ranger Beastmaster Overlord
Hero Tarnum (Barbarian).png
Hero Tarnum (Knight).png
Hero Tarnum (Wizard).png
Hero Tarnum (Ranger).png
Hero Tarnum (Beastmaster).png
Hero Tarnum (Overlord).png
Aliases King Tarnum
Barbarian King
Barbarian Tyrant
Sir Tarnum Lord Tarnum Tarnum Dragonfriend Tarnum Hopewielder Overlord Tarnum
Special Ability
Specialty Offense.png
Receives a 5% bonus per level to Offense skill.
Specialty Ballista.png
Increases the Ballista's Attack and Defense skills by 30% Horn of the Abyss5% Shadow of Death for every 5 levels (rounded up).
Specialty Enchanters.png
Can upgrade Monks, Zealots, Magi, and Arch Magi to Enchanters.
Specialty Sharpshooters.png
Can upgrade Archers, Marksmen, Wood Elves, and Grand Elves to Sharpshooters.
Specialty Basilisks.png
Increases the Speed of allied Basilisks and Greater Basilisks by 1 and their Attack and Defense skills by 20% Horn of the Abyss5% Shadow of Death for every 4 levels (rounded up).
Specialty Dragons.png
Increases allied Dragons' Attack and Defense by 10 Horn of the AbyssShadow of Death.
Secondary Skills Offense Advanced Offense Leadership Basic Leadership
Artillery Basic Artillery
Wisdom Advanced Wisdom Archery Basic Archery
Leadership Basic Leadership
Armorer Basic Armorer
Resistance Basic Resistance
Tactics Basic Tactics
Estates Basic Estates
Equivalent Hero Crag HackCrag Hack Crag Hack ChristianChristian Christian DraconDracon Dracon GeluGelu Gelu BronBron Bron MutareMutare Mutare
Notes Starts with Ballista Ballista Starts without a spell book!
Campaigns Warlords of the Wasteland
The World Tree
The Fiery Moon
Conquest of the Underworld Masters of the Elements Clash of the Dragons Revolt of the Beastmasters The Sword of Frost

Biography[edit | edit source]

Before his death: Tarnum is a young Barbarian who has spent his entire life under the oppression of the Wizard-Kings of Bracaduun, but he has always dreamed that life could be better - should be better.

After his death: Judged by the Ancestors as unworthy of entering Paradise, Tarnum wanders the land seeking redemption for the crimes of his past. He is the Immortal Hero, a timeless protector, but personally troubled by the doubt that he can ever make up for the tremendous wrongs that he performed in his youth.

Relationships[edit | edit source]

  • Sisters: Tarnum had two sisters (Anada and an unnamed sister) which were taken away from his family by Bracaduun, as they forbade Barbarian families from having more than one child. When Tarnum discovered another nation of Barbarians who refused to join his war against the Wizards, he ordered the extermination of these "traitors", unaware that his sisters had been sent there and were among his newest enemies. One of them was killed by his own troops, but the other was rescued just in time by Rion Gryphonheart, the founder of Erathia, and the man who defeated Tarnum in single combat. He would later marry her, and they would have Allison as their only child. Tarnum did not discover before his death and resurrection as an Immortal Hero that he was slain by his brother-in-law.
  • Brother-in-law: Rion Gryphonheart
  • Niece: Allison
  • Lovers: Yalla, Adrienne, Valita

Story[edit | edit source]

Warlords of the Wasteland[edit | edit source]

Before Tarnum became the Immortal Hero, he was a Barbarian who threw off the shackles of his Wizard masters and returned his people to their former greatness. His actions as a barbarian tyrant caused the Ancestors to bar him entry to Paradise upon his death. They sent him back to Enroth as the immortal hero to atone for his crimes.

Conquest of the Underworld[edit | edit source]

The Ancestors send Tarnum to help his niece, Queen Allison, rescue the soul of her father, Rion Gryphonheart, from the depths of the Underworld.

Masters of the Elements[edit | edit source]

Tarnum must face down his own prejudice against magic and become a Wizard if he has any chance of saving the world from the destructive Elemental Lords.

The World Tree[edit | edit source]

Tarnum is drawn to a distant region to save the World Tree from the Necromancers. He ends up facing the insane Ancestor, Vorr, who has kidnapped the other Ancestors and plans to destroy the world.

The Fiery Moon[edit | edit source]

Tarnum pursues Vorr to the fiery moon. He frees the other ancestors and uses the sap of the World Tree to cure Vorr of his madness.

Revolt of the Beastmasters[edit | edit source]

To atone for dragging the Mudlanders into slavery as the Barbarian Tyrant, Tarnum was tasked with freeing them from the oppression of the Erathians. Through his efforts, the kingdom of Tatalia was created.

Clash of the Dragons[edit | edit source]

When the good dragons disappear, Tarnum is drawn into an epic battle with Mutare, the Dragon Queen.

The Sword of Frost[edit | edit source]

The Elven Hero, Gelu, sets out to find the arcane Sword of Frost despite an apocalyptic prophecy. Now, the fate of the world depends on Tarnum's ability to rekindle his darkest talents and lead the devious creatures of Nighon against his former friend. Tarnum fails in this quest as the Sword of Frost is stolen by Kija and given to her husband Kilgor, thus setting Gelu and Kilgor on a collision course that would end with The Reckoning.

Official Renders[edit | edit source]