Refugee Camp

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Refugee Camp
Refugee Camp as seen on the adventure map.

Refugee Camp is an adventure map location, where a hero can hire a small number of random type creatures (including neutral creatures). The creature type changes every week, and the number available is their basic growth. Unlike External Creature Dwellings, Refugee Camps do not give you first level units for free. Also unlike external creature dwellings, Refugee Camps cannot be flagged, and therefore can't be used with Portal of Summoning.

It is not possible to find Sharpshooter Sharpshooters, Enchanter Enchanters, Azure Dragon Azure, Crystal Dragon Crystal, Rust Dragon Rust or Faerie Dragon Faerie Dragons in a Refugee Camp.

Steel Golem Steel Golems Horn of the Abyss can randomly appear at and be recruited from a Refugee Camp despite having no standard creature dwelling.

See also:[edit source]