Race for Ardintinny

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Smap roe knight.png
Race for Ardintinny
5 Total Players / 5 Human Players
Size 4 (144×144) - XL
Underground enabled
Scenario Description
You and four other lords covet Medallion Bay, a profitable trade route. Before your opponents or before six months is up you must take control of Ardintinny, the town controlling Medallion Bay.
Victory Condition
Capture Town Ardintinny.
Capture Town.png
Loss Condition
Time Expires (6 months).
Time Expires.png
Allies: Red/ Blue/ Tan/ Green/ Orange
Enemies: Red/ Blue/ Tan/ Green/ Orange
Minimap back.png
Race for Ardintinny map fullauto.png
Race for Ardintinny minimap.png
Race for Ardintinny underground map fullauto.png
Race for Ardintinny underground minimap.png

Timed events[edit | edit source]

Day Title Message
Day 1 Revolt! The populace controlling Ardintinny has revolted, hanging Lord Thormis. Now in control of the wealth that flows from Medallion Bay they have set themselves up as an independent state. King Magdor has decreed that the lord who can retake the town can have control of Medallion Bay.
Day 1 The Quest You and four other lords are fighting to reach Ardintinny first. According to your spies there are large mountain ranges filled with thick forests surrounding Ardintinny.
Day 2 Exploration Your advisor suggests that you quickly explore your lands. Recent uprisings and troubles have caused mine production to slow. You should send someone out to get the peasants working hard again. Also, there may be places to recruit more armies for your excursion to Ardintinny.
Day 3 Infestations Reports have come back of infestations of nasty critters in the area! While you were off at the palace these creatures became bold and moved into your area. How rude!
Day 5 Scouts Quickly, you send out scouts to find out more about these monoliths. It is always good to know if you need a virginal maiden, a calf, or something else in order to gain access to their powers. You must spend some of your resources to fund this little operation.
Effect: +1000 Gold Gold, +5 Wood Wood
Day 5 To the Sea Discovering there is possibility of treasure on the high seas you send out your fleet of ships to explore around your shores. Visions of heavily laden gold ships swim in your head. You immediately order six new ships built.
Effect: +500 Gold Gold, +12 Wood Wood
Day 20 Wreckage One ship straggles into port, heavily damaged. They faced heavy winds and horrid weather, both of which dashed the fleet onto the reefs. They did report of a strange whirlpool that brought them to Medallion Bay. Unfortunately there is absolutely no place to land.
Day 25 Where are they? Your scouts have yet to return, and it shouldn't have taken them this long to return from the monoliths. All they had to do was to discover what the monoliths needed to transport troops. Where could they be?
Day 30 Any day now... Those scouts should show up any day now...
Day 35 Good news from the Sea One more of your ill-fated ships has returned to port. This one is laden with precious crystal. It was able to navigate the reefs (barely) and return home. It found a small island to the northwest that had an abundance of crystal. They did not stick around to chat with the locals though.
Day 40 Still no word The resounding silence from your scouts keeps you from resting peacefully at night.
Day 50 Homecoming One scout has finally made it home. Unfortunately he lost most of his troops, and all of the money you gave him. "We traveled to the other realms, but never once made it to Ardintinny. It was sheer luck that we were able to come home as well." This is not the good news you were hoping for.
Day 60 Good News Another scout, and you assume the last, has returned from his long time away from home. He made it to Ardintinny! With luck, and that alone, one can get to a center island that leads to Ardintinny. However, you had better be committed to the task for the way is treacherous and hard.

Rumors[edit | edit source]

Title Message
Gates There are two Gates to the Underworld.
Island An island only reachable by monolith is the way to Ardintinny.