Earth Magic
until end of combat
Basic effect
Quicksand pits are placed in 4 random hexes.
Advanced effect
Quicksand pits are placed in 6 random hexes.
Expert effect
Quicksand pits are placed in 8 random hexes.
Probability of occurrence (%):
The spell places quicksand pits randomly in combat field hexes. They are invisible to enemy hero, unless the hero has a creature fighting on native terrain. A creature stack that tries to move through a hex with quicksand pit is halted and cannot act until next round. Once a pit is stepped on, it is revealed for all to see. A unique property of the Quicksand spell is that it lasts infinitely during any battle, regardless of the user's spell power. The spell can only be removed by expert Remove Obstacle or expert Dispel.
AI cannot cast this spell. Flying creatures are always immune to this spell. Although
Magic Elementals are immune to all spells, they will still be affected by the quicksands.