Noah's Ark

From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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Noah's Ark Restoration of Erathia
3 Total Players / 2 Human Players
Size 3 (108×108) - L Underground enabled
The great flood is coming, and only by controlling two of every creature dwelling can you hope to survive.
Victory condition:
Flag All Creature Dwellings.png Flag All Creature Dwellings or Defeat All Enemies
Loss condition:
Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.png Lose All Your Towns and Heroes
Allies: Red Enemies: BlueTan
Choose a bonus:
Carried to next scenario:
Max level:
Noah's Ark map auto.png
Noah's Ark minimap.png
Noah's Ark underground map auto.png
Noah's Ark underground minimap.png

Timed events[edit | edit source]

Day Title Message
Day 1 Starting Info. Scouts report that underground passages also connect the areas we need to reach, perhaps they could be used to take control of the creature dwellings sooner.

Rumors[edit | edit source]

Title Message
Monster groups. Some large monster groups will join any hero willing to take them along.
Underground. The underground passages connect the creature dwellings, but beware - monsters abound!