New Hill Fort

From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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Horn of the Abyss Only available when the unofficial expansion, Horn of the Abyss, is installed.
Level Upgrading cost
1-5 200% of normal
5-7 (can't be upgraded)
Hill Fort (HotA) 7in1.gif Hill Fort as seen on the adventure map.

Hill Fort is an adventure map location that enables a visiting hero to upgrade any non-upgraded creatures of level 1-5 at double the normal price. It is a rebalanced version of the original Hill Fort, which still appears in the game but can no longer be randomly generated. New Hill Forts have a unique appearance for each terrain type.

  • Limit per zone: 1.
  • Terrain: any dry land.
  • Value: 7000.
  • Frequency of occurrence: 20.

See also:[edit source]