Myth and Legend

From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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Smap roe knight.png
Myth and Legend
8 Total Players / 5 Human Players
Size 4 (144×144) - XL
Underground enabled
Scenario Description
You are a God. Scaring mortals, granting wishes and generally mucking about Greece has been great fun, but with all fun it eventually turns to boredom. Fortunately Autolycus has provided you and the other gods with some amusement. He has stolen the Titan's Cuirass and you must find it first.
Victory Condition
Acquire Artifact Titan's Cuirass.
Acquire Artifact.png
Loss Condition
Opponent fulfills victory condition or Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.
Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.png
Allies: Green/ Orange/ Purple/ Teal/ Pink
Enemies: Green/ Orange/ Purple/ Teal/ Pink+ RedBlueTan
Minimap back.png
Myth and Legend map fullauto.png
Myth and Legend minimap.png
Myth and Legend underground map fullauto.png
Myth and Legend underground minimap.png

Timed events[edit | edit source]

Day Title Message
Day 32 Anthesteria Hurray! It is Anthesteria, the Celebration of Spring. The long winter is over, Persephone has returned from the underworld, to enter into the sunlight with her mother Demeter. Demeter has released her icy grip on the world and let all things grow again. What a wonderful time!
Day 32 Party Time to Paaarty! In celebration of Spring everyone cuts loose. Even Hera lets her hair down. Everyone drinks deeply and eats well. Peasants and craftsmen make merry all day long. You enjoy the parties and contests, just living it up well into the night.
Day 34 Hangover Well, you're paying for last night's parties. Your head feels like it's going to explode and the last thing you remember was praying to stop turning your stomach inside out. The cats walk far too heavily and you swear the dead are making the loudest racket you've ever heard.
Day 64 Aphrodisia Aphrodisia is the celebration of Aphrodite, or more specifically of love. It is celebrated across Greece, by people of all walks of life. Even you, a god celebrates today by spending it with your loved ones. You buy your significant other a nice present, plan a romantic dinner & enjoy the night.
Day 88 Bacchanalia This is the celebration of Wine and Song, Bacchanalia in honor of Bacchus who brings such wonderful things. Singing contests, ballads, poetry, and plenty of drink go around today. Many people spend the day eating and enjoying wine-tasting contests.
Day 88 Bacchanalia2 That evening you relax with your troops, drinking as much wine as you can consume and singing until your throat is sore. No one cares if anyone can sing well or off-key. It's a night for parties and friends, a good night to be alive and well.
Day 90 Ow. You're paying for last night. When will you ever learn that wine gives you a headache? People are in a good mood, despite the abundance of hangovers. At least you were smart enough to drink lots of water and avoid the worst of it. Can't wait until next year.

Objects[edit | edit source]

Towns[edit | edit source]

Location Player Type Name
40, 103, 0 Red Town portrait Castle small.png Castle Patras
65, 101, 0 Red Town portrait Castle small.png Castle Sparta
71, 67, 0 Blue Town portrait Dungeon small.png Dungeon Lamia
103, 61, 0 Blue Town portrait Dungeon small.png Dungeon Ithaca
93, 28, 1 Tan Town portrait Inferno small.png Inferno Hades House
103, 45, 1 Tan Town portrait Inferno small.png Inferno Summer House
100, 83, 0 Green Town portrait Castle small.png Castle Chios
109, 3, 0 Green Town portrait Tower small.png Tower Kavala
109, 106, 0 Green Town portrait Castle small.png Castle Athens
51, 118, 0 Orange Town portrait Rampart small.png Rampart Kalamata
66, 132, 0 Orange Town portrait Rampart small.png Rampart Aethiopia
89, 122, 0 Purple Town portrait Dungeon small.png Dungeon Komotini
94, 108, 0 Purple Town portrait Dungeon small.png Dungeon Corinth
58, 19, 0 Teal Town portrait Tower small.png Tower Mt. Olympus
61, 6, 0 Teal Town portrait Tower small.png Tower Abdera
32, 54, 0 Pink Town portrait Rampart small.png Rampart Hania
32, 70, 0 Pink Town portrait Rampart small.png Rampart Troy
16, 36, 0 Town portrait Dungeon small.png Dungeon Ioannina
44, 26, 0 Town portrait Rampart small.png Rampart Winery
65, 32, 0 Town portrait Rampart small.png Rampart Volos
75, 82, 0 Town portrait Rampart small.png Rampart Delphi

Heroes[edit | edit source]

Location Player Hero
46, 101, 0 Red OdysseusOdysseus Odysseus the Knight (ref)
69, 101, 0 Red TyndareusTyndareus Tyndareus the Knight (ref)
83, 55, 0 Blue HephaestusHephaestus Hephaestus the Warlock (ref)
100, 67, 0 Blue PrometheusPrometheus Prometheus the Overlord (ref)
91, 31, 1 Tan ErebusErebus Erebus the Death Knight (ref)
103, 46, 1 Tan RhadamanthusRhadamanthus Rhadamanthus the Necromancer (ref)
100, 84, 0 Green ErechtheusErechtheus Erechtheus the Knight (ref)
112, 106, 0 Green ArtemisArtemis Artemis the Cleric (ref)
51, 120, 0 Orange NaupliusNauplius Nauplius the Druid (ref)
66, 137, 0 Orange AmphritriteAmphritrite Amphritrite the Ranger (ref)
90, 123, 0 Purple AbarisAbaris Abaris the Warlock (ref)
91, 109, 0 Purple IonIon Ion the Overlord (ref)
60, 8, 0 Teal PerseusPerseus Perseus the Knight (ref)
62, 22, 0 Teal HerculesHercules Hercules the Knight (ref)
32, 55, 0 Pink AeneasAeneas Aeneas the Druid (ref)
36, 81, 0 Pink CupidCupid Cupid the Ranger (ref)
26, 63, 0 Imprisoned InghamIngham Ingham the Cleric
41, 18, 0 Imprisoned TyrisTyris Tyris the Knight
78, 109, 0 Imprisoned RionRion Rion the Cleric
80, 134, 0 Imprisoned CuthbertCuthbert Cuthbert the Cleric
105, 92, 0 Imprisoned ValeskaValeska Valeska the Knight
108, 77, 0 Imprisoned SorshaSorsha Sorsha the Knight

Map Notes[edit | edit source]

  • This map was not included in the complete version of the game. You can download the original map here.
    • It is included in the GOG version of Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete.
  • This map was reworked to become Pandora's Box.