Manifest Destiny

From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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Smap roe knight.png
Manifest Destiny
8 Total Players / 8 Human Players
Size 1 (36×36) - S
Underground enabled
Scenario Description
The neighboring lands have become increasingly more crowded. Only one kingdom is fit to rule the others. It is time to show the other petty nobles it is your manifest destiny to rule this land.
Victory Condition
Flag All Mines or Defeat All Enemies.
Flag All Mines.png
Loss Condition
Opponent fulfills victory condition or Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.
Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.png
Allies: Red/ Blue/ Tan/ Green/ Orange/ Purple/ Teal/ Pink
Enemies: Red/ Blue/ Tan/ Green/ Orange/ Purple/ Teal/ Pink
Minimap back.png
Manifest Destiny map fullauto.png
Manifest Destiny minimap.png
Manifest Destiny underground map fullauto.png
Manifest Destiny underground minimap.png

Timed events[edit | edit source]

Day Title Message
Day 1 Intro You have thrown down the gauntlet and manned your garrisons. Now is the time to go out and fulfill your destiny. He who controls the resources, controls the land. Just make sure that person is you!