Knight of Darkness

From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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Smap roe knight.png
Knight of Darkness
4 Total Players / 1 Human Player
Size 2 (72×72) - M
Underground enabled
Scenario Description
A terrible necromancer rules over this land and the Queen has charged you to destroy him.
Victory Condition
Capture Town Necropolis at (4, 5, 0).
Capture Town.png
Loss Condition
Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.
Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.png
Allies: Red
Enemies: TanOrangePurple
Minimap back.png
Knight of Darkness map fullauto.png
Knight of Darkness minimap.png
Knight of Darkness underground map fullauto.png
Knight of Darkness underground minimap.png

Timed events[edit | edit source]

Day Title Message
Day 1 Day 1 There is a terrible necromancer terrorizing this region. The Queen has charged you with destroying this menace. He is powerful so you will need to gather your forces carefully.