Ice Bolt

From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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School of Water Magic
Symbol for School of Water Magic
Level 1
 Magic Arrow *
 Protection from Water
 Summon Boat
Level 2
 Ice Bolt
 Remove Obstacle
 Scuttle Boat
 Visions *
Level 3
 Frost Ring
Level 4
 Water Walk
Level 5
 Summon Water Elemental
School of Air Magic
School of Earth Magic
School of Fire Magic
Ice Bolt
Ice Bolt.png
School:  Water Magic
Level:  2nd
Cost:  8/6
Duration:  instant
 Basic effect
Drains the body heat from the selected enemy unit, dealing (10 + (power x 20)) damage to it.
 Advanced effect
Drains the body heat from the selected enemy unit, dealing (20 + (power x 20)) damage to it.
 Expert effect
Drains the body heat from the selected enemy unit, dealing (50 + (power x 20)) damage to it.
 Probability of occurrence (%):
Town portrait Castle small.png Castle   95
Town portrait Rampart small.png Rampart   95
Town portrait Tower small.png Tower   46 (35*)
Town portrait Inferno small.png Inferno   0
Town portrait Necropolis small.png Necropolis   35
Town portrait Dungeon small.png Dungeon   35
Town portrait Stronghold small.png Stronghold   25
Town portrait Fortress small.png Fortress   96
Town portrait Conflux small.png Conflux   77
Town portrait Cove small.png Cove Horn of the Abyss   96
Town portrait Factory small.png Factory Horn of the Abyss   25
* Without Library

Heroes starting with Ice Bolt:

Heroes specialising in Ice Bolt:

Creatures immune to Ice Bolt:

Creatures capable of casting Ice Bolt:

Damage Increases:

Damage Reductions:

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Some may find the information in this section subjective or irrelevant.

Ice Bolt is an important second level spell, though it falters compared to the slightly more powerful (yet less cost-effective) Lightning Bolt (which does 5 more base damage per hero Spell Power, but a little bit less damage per spell point.) It is still a useful tool and one of the game's most notable direct damage spells.

See also:[edit source]