Not to be confused with the HD Edition released by Ubisoft on Steam which lacks the expansions.

Allows play on resolutions other than 800x600. Fixes many bugs of the original Heroes of Might and Magic III.
Fully compatible with Horn of the Abyss.
A list of keybinds is available here.
Dedicated launcher allowing the players to customize the display options and enabled features.
Ability to launch and manage multiple editions and expansions of the game.
Expanded random map generator options.
Army setup from the preview window on the adventure map.
Expanded unit information in battles with optional battle queue.
Improved Town Portal popup.
Expanded features in the trading window.
Ability to recruit all available units in towns.
Expanded hero information in the scenario setup screen.
Improved combat information.
Ability to load or exit game from within combat options.
Expanded options for multiplayer maps.
Excessive dialogs converted to popups in the preview window.
Fine-grained team setups in random map generator.
Folders support in scenarios list and game saves.
Expanded hero trading window.