Heritage of the Ancients

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Smap hota tower.png
Heritage of the Ancients
3 Total Players / 3 Human Players
Size 1 (36×36) - S
Underground enabled
Scenario Description
An ancient tomb was found in faraway lands. Who knows what treasures and knowledge it holds? Alas, to your great dismay, your enemy has already learned about your plans to explore it…
Victory Condition
Defeat All Enemies.
Defeat All Enemies.png
Loss Condition
Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.
Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.png
Allies: Blue/ Green/ Teal
Enemies: Blue/ Green/ Teal
Minimap back.png
Heritage of the Ancients map fullauto.png
Heritage of the Ancients minimap.png
Heritage of the Ancients underground map fullauto.png
Heritage of the Ancients underground minimap.png

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  • A small, fun map that focuses on hero development/combat much more than towns.
    • I chose Astral and his buffed Hypnotize specialization from v1.7.2 felt great! It made the dreams of my 10-year-old self for Astral come alive. Thanks HotA Crew! --Legate (talk)
  • The messages on the pandora's boxes describe the types of creatures defending it.

translates to: 50x(some level 6 creature), 100x(some level 4 creature), 1x(some level 7 creature).