Grunt and Foot Soldier

From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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The following information is largely based on extrapolations about a work-in-progress project and largely unconfirmed. The finished project may differ greatly.
Day of Reckoning map icon.png Only available when the unofficial expansion, Day of Reckoning, is installed.
Day of Reckoning Forge creatures Day of Reckoning
Level 1
Grunt Grunt
Foot Soldier Foot Soldier
Level 3
Pyro Pyro
Pyromaniac Pyromaniac
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory Bulwark
Palace Grotto Forge

Grunts and Foot Soldiers are the level 1 creatures of Forge. They can be recruited from the ???.

" The Grunts and Foot Soldiers are the most basic creature you can recruit in the Forge. Sporting new gear and wielding Ancient weaponry, they are quite possibly the best level 1 creature you can recruit from any town. However, their rather low growth, combined with their low starting numbers and slightly higher cost (traits which are seen in all the other Forge units as well) compensate for that fact." DoR Heroes Community post.

Dwellings & Portraits[edit | edit source]

Heroes with a specialty[edit | edit source]

  • Someone has Grunts as a specialty, which increases the speed of any Grunt or Foot Soldier by 1 and their Attack and Defense skills by 5% for every level (rounded up).

Official Renders[edit | edit source]

See Also:[edit source]