Good Witch, Bad Witch

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Good Witch, Bad Witch
2 Total Players / 1 Human Player
Size 3 (108×108) - L
Underground disabled
Scenario Description
Gulcheria, the bad witch of the east, has decided to expand her borders by calling for reinforcements, warlocks from the far south. If these reinforcements arrive, all is lost. Being Glinda, the good witch of the west, you must stop her before time runs out.
Victory Condition
Defeat Hero Gulcheria the Witch.
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Loss Condition
Time Expires (3 months).
Time Expires.png
Allies: Red
Enemies: Blue
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Good Witch Bad Witch map fullauto.png
Good Witch, Bad Witch minimap.png

Heroes[edit | edit source]

Red MirlandaMirlanda Mirlanda the Witch as Glinda, using LabethaLabetha Labetha's portrait, at 37, 39. With 25 Battle Dwarf Battle Dwarf, 15 Wood Elf Wood Elf, 15 Hell Hound Hell Hounds, Basic Pathfinding, Diplomacy, and Wisdom, Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed, Cure, Dimension Door, and Magic Arrow.
Blue VerdishVerdish Verdish the Witch as Evil Cousin, level 8, with 50 Obsidian Gargoyle Obsidian Gargoyles, 45 Stone Gargoyle Stone Gargoyles, Bless, Lightning Bolt, Magic Arrow, Magic Mirror, and Water Walk, at 91, 36. GerwulfGerwulf Gerwulf the Beastmaster level 15, with 100 Gnoll Marauder Gnoll Marauders, primary skills 3/6/2/2, at 101, 45. RosicRosic Rosic the Witch as Gulcheria, uses SephinrothSephinroth Sephinroth's portrait. Level 15, custom biography ("Gulcheria is the bad witch of the East, with plans to take over the whole place with the help of the necromancer to the south. Glinda, her archenemy, is the only one who can stop her."), 80 Familiar Familiars, 80 Stone Gargoyle Stone Gargoyles, 80 Dragon Fly Dragon Fly, 50 Greater Basilisk Greater Basilisks, primary skills 3/3/9/9, Advanced level in Wisdom, Mysticism, and Necromancy, the Helm of ChaosHelm of Chaos, Chain Lightning, Hypnotize, Meteor Shower, and Resurrection.