Fire Wall

From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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School of Fire Magic
School of Earth Magic
Level 1
 Magic Arrow *
 Protection from Fire
Level 2
 Fire Wall
 Visions *
Level 3
 Land Mine
Level 4
 Fire Shield
Level 5
 Summon Fire Elemental
School of Air Magic
School of Earth Magic
School of Water Magic
Fire Wall
Fire Wall.png
School:  Fire Magic
Level:  2nd
Cost:  8/6
Duration:  2 rounds
 Basic effect
Places a 2-hex wildfire on the battlefield at a point specified by the caster. Any units passing through the wall take (10 + (power x 10 (15 Horn of the Abyss)) damage.
 Advanced effect
Places a 3-hex wildfire on the battlefield at a point specified by the caster. Any units passing through the wall take (20 + (power x 10 (15 Horn of the Abyss))) damage.
 Expert effect
Places a 3-hex wildfire on the battlefield at a point specified by the caster. Any units passing through the wall take (50 + (power x 10 (15 Horn of the Abyss))) damage.
 Probability of occurrence (%):
Town portrait Castle small.png Castle   25
Town portrait Rampart small.png Rampart   25
Town portrait Tower small.png Tower   33 (25*)
Town portrait Inferno small.png Inferno   47
Town portrait Necropolis small.png Necropolis   24
Town portrait Dungeon small.png Dungeon   25
Town portrait Stronghold small.png Stronghold   25
Town portrait Fortress small.png Fortress   25
Town portrait Conflux small.png Conflux   37
Town portrait Cove small.png Cove Horn of the Abyss   25
Town portrait Factory small.png Factory Horn of the Abyss   25
* Without Library

Produces a wall of fire. Any unit that's not immune to its effect that passes through it or ends their turn in it will take damage. Can only be removed by advanced/expert Remove Obstacle or expert Dispel.

Note: Spell duration is NOT increased by any of the spell-duration boosting artifacts (Ring, Collar & Cape of Conjuring).

AI cannot cast this spell.

Heroes starting with Fire Wall:

Heroes specialising in Fire Wall:

Creatures immune to Fire Wall:

Damage Increases:

Damage Reductions:

See also:[edit source]