
From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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Horn of the Abyss Only available when the unofficial expansion, Horn of the Abyss, is installed.
Stronghold heroes
GurnisGurnis Gurnis Shadow of Death
BarshonBarshon Barshon Shadow of Death
ZorlanZorlan Zorlan Shadow of Death
RabakRabak Rabak Heroes Chronicles
King TargorKing Targor King Targor Heroes Chronicles
LarnLarn Larn Heroes Chronicles
CregholCreghol Creghol Horn of the Abyss
NaghbanNaghban Naghban Horn of the Abyss
TerghezTerghez Terghez Horn of the Abyss
Tan-GhunTan-Ghun Tan-Ghun Horn of the Abyss
GorgheGorghe Gorghe Horn of the Abyss
AkratosAkratos Akratos Horn of the Abyss
SemachusSemachus Semachus Horn of the Abyss
WededhWededh Wededh Horn of the Abyss
ZarghebarZarghebar Zarghebar Horn of the Abyss
BanbraghBanbragh Banbragh Horn of the Abyss
GohhGohh Gohh Horn of the Abyss
YargoYargo Yargo Horn of the Abyss
FangtoothFangtooth Fangtooth Horn of the Abyss
Battle Mages
SwankartSwankart Swankart Shadow of Death
VenthinVenthin Venthin Shadow of Death
ZinithaZinitha Zinitha Shadow of Death
DenarmDenarm Denarm Shadow of Death
KijaKija Kija Heroes Chronicles
NumasNumas Numas Heroes Chronicles
JinaraJinara Jinara Heroes Chronicles
GuerhaughGuerhaugh Guerhaugh Horn of the Abyss
HoroaghHoroagh Horoagh Horn of the Abyss
JerheshJerhesh Jerhesh Horn of the Abyss
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory
Fangtooth the Barbarian
Attack small.png
Defense small.png
Power small.png
Knowledge small.png
The leader of the archipelago's savages had to use more than just strength and ferocity to achieve his position. He also has a smattering of secret shamanic knowledge.
Specialty Offense.pngSpecialty Offense.png
Receives a 5% per level bonus to Offense skill percentage.
Starting Exp.
Level 4
Basic Fire Magic.png
Basic Earth Magic.png
Expert Offense.png
Mini Portrait Gnoll Marauder.pngMini Portrait Gnoll Marauder.png
Mini Portrait Orc (HotA).pngMini Portrait Orc (HotA).png
31 Orc
Mini Portrait Lizardman.pngMini Portrait Lizardman.png
Mini Portrait Orc Chieftain (HotA).pngMini Portrait Orc Chieftain (HotA).png
Mini Portrait Lizard Warrior.pngMini Portrait Lizard Warrior.png
Mini Portrait Orc (HotA).pngMini Portrait Orc (HotA).png
34 Orc
Mini Portrait Gnoll.pngMini Portrait Gnoll.png
237 Gnoll

Appearances[edit | edit source]

All In
Chasing the Dream as an enemy hero.