Dragon Pass (Allies)

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Smap ab phoenix.png
Dragon Pass (Allies)
4 Total Players / 4 Human Players
Size 2 (72×72) - M
Underground enabled
Scenario Description
Dragon pass - a source of conflict for generations due to its artifacts and being resource rich. After the pass is reached and easily plundered, team up with your ally and take out your opponents to win the game.
Victory Condition
Defeat All Enemies.
Defeat All Enemies.png
Loss Condition
Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.
Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.png
Allies: RedTan/ BlueGreen
Enemies: 1: RedTan/ 2: BlueGreen
Minimap back.png
Dragon Pass (Allies) map fullauto.png
Dragon Pass (Allies) minimap.png
Dragon Pass (Allies) underground map fullauto.png
Dragon Pass (Allies) underground minimap.png