
From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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PiquedramPiquedram Piquedram
ThaneThane Thane
JosephineJosephine Josephine
NeelaNeela Neela
TorosarTorosar Torosar
FafnerFafner Fafner
RissaRissa Rissa
IonaIona Iona
AstralAstral Astral
HalonHalon Halon
SerenaSerena Serena
DaremythDaremyth Daremyth
TheodorusTheodorus Theodorus
SolmyrSolmyr Solmyr
AineAine Aine
CyraCyra Cyra
DraconDracon Dracon Armageddon's Blade Map Editor
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory
Dracon the Wizard
Attack small.png
Defense small.png
Power small.png
Knowledge small.png
Considered by many to be a magical genius, Dracon seeks to become history's greatest Dragon Slayer. Unlike his fellow Wizards, Dracon eschews decorative attire for more practical battle gear.
Specialty Enchanters.pngSpecialty Enchanters.png
Advanced Wisdom.png
Mini Portrait Enchanter.pngMini Portrait Enchanter.png
6 Enchanter (100%)
Mini Portrait Enchanter.pngMini Portrait Enchanter.png
3 Enchanter (100% Horn of the Abyss88% Shadow of Death)
Mini Portrait Enchanter.pngMini Portrait Enchanter.png
1 Enchanter (100% Horn of the Abyss25% Shadow of Death)

Not to be confused with Beastmaster DrakonDrakon Drakon the Beastmaster.

He is not an original Restoration of Erathia hero, but was added in Armageddon's Blade and is also available in Shadow of Death.

By default, Dracon is not playable, but he may be enabled in custom scenarios in the map editor.

Story[edit | edit source]

Dracon is a young Arch Mage Arch Mage from Bracada who desires to become the greatest Dragon Slayer of all time. To this end, his mother (a life-long trainer of Dragon Slayers) trains him until he finally proves his mettle by killing a Crystal Dragon Crystal Dragon, one of her own creations. From there, Dracon goes on to slay Faerie Dragon Faerie Dragons, Rust Dragon Rust Dragons and even the mighty Azure Dragon Azure Dragons, thereby proving himself as a great Dragon Slayer.

Lost Lore Lost Lore[edit | edit source]

Alternative biography[edit | edit source]

The following biography appeared on the official (now-defunct) 3DO website:

Dracon is the son of Bracada's most famous female dragon slayer. Those who have met Dracon have referred to him as a young man of 'aggressive wisdom' beyond his years, and aspirations fitting his age.
After his initial studies under his mother, Dracon's mother sent her son to learn magic in the ivory towers of Bracada’s capital. A notorious rebel within the school, by age fourteen, Dracon had mastered the basics of all four schools of magic. With nothing more to learn, and disillusioned by the school and teachers who could not teach him more, Dracon set off across the continent of Antagrich to learn from the secluded masters who originated many of the spells now taught in magic schools. In the eight years Dracon roamed the continent, there is much myth and legend about his travels. One of the more popular is a rumored two-year period during which Dracon served with Gelu in Erathian special forces company named Forestguard.

Lost Manuscripts[edit | edit source]

When Mutare DrakeMutare Drake Mutare Drake (the Dungeon Overlord turned dragon) launched her invasion of Antagarich, none could stand against her. As she won victory after victory, due to her own battle prowess, defeat seemed inevitable. In his hour of need, Gavin MagnusGavin Magnus Gavin Magnus sent the renowned Dragon Slayer Dracon to fight her.

General KendalGeneral Kendal General Kendal's account of the battle:

"We watched from a hilltop, safely away from the battle itself. After a very short amount of time it became quite clear this was for the sole human wizard and the dragon to fight out, all others would get crushed in their way. I have never seen such power contained in one human being before, and I have seen many spell casters. Dracon wielded magic like you would your own hands or feet. His skill was beyond compare, and the amount of power driving through his body would destroy any normal person. My pathetic words cannot describe his abilities, and it is no wonder that simply being in his ranks can increase your magical skills. For hours the two went back and forth, testing the others' abilities, strengths and weaknesses. Then the real battle started. Mutare drove straight at him, apparently going to attempt to swallow him whole. Dracon stood his ground, raw power dancing between his hands as the two locked eyes. The last split second she moved to the right, but Dracon knew it was a feint and prepared for the real attack to the left, splitting open her side. The two fought with renewed viciousness for another hour, but they were beginning to tire. Mutare's movements were slower, and her reactions didn't pull up in time. Once, her wing slammed into the ground and she spun clumsily away. Dracon wasn't faring well either, he misjudged a feint and took a blow squarely on the side of his face. We began to believe he was going to lose, and both armies readied for the finish. Even if Dracon lost, we had to kill the weakened dragon and wipe out her forces. Lying on the ground, bleeding and crippled Dracon played a game I knew well. Maybe if Mutare wasn't so tired or her mind wasn't clouded with pain she wouldn't have fallen for the oldest trick. As she drove into the kill, Dracon came up with his final attack and sheer power shaped like the sharpest blade slid in between her breastplate, killing her instantly. The dragon screamed and crashed into the ground, and on Dracon. There was no time to seek out Dracon, we had to fight the rest of the Nighon army. It took three days, but we were victorious. The Nighon army was demolished, their leadership in shambles and were being forced back into their homeland.

Dracon died that day, proving he was the greatest Dragon Slayer of all time. We will always remember his name with reverence and pride. Because of his sacrifice we were able to drive the invaders from our lands."

Specialty[edit | edit source]

The cost of upgrading units to Enchanters is:

Monk Monk 350 Gold Enchanter 
Zealot Zealot 300 Gold Enchanter 
Mage Mage 400 Gold Enchanter 
Arch Mage Arch Mage 300 Gold Enchanter 

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Dragon Slayer
Crystal Dragons as a player hero.
Rust Dragons as a player hero.
Faerie Dragons as a player hero.
Azure Dragons as a player hero.

He appears in the epilogue of Azure Dragons.


Official Renders[edit | edit source]

User commentary

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Some may find the information in this section subjective or irrelevant.

Dracon's special ability is formidable. Even so powerful that he is typically disabled in custom made maps. While you should have no reasonable difficulty using Dracon as a main hero during the single player campaign, he could also be used as an Enchanter-upgrading-support-hero sitting in a town garrison or following your main hero.

He is featured in the Dragon Slayer campaign from Armageddon's Blade, taking appearance in all four scenarios as the main hero.

In the Dragon Slayer campaign, he managed to slay all kinds of dragons, from Faerie Dragons to Azure Dragons, accomplishing only what veteran Dragon Slayers could.

According to Jennifer Bullard's development documents, Dracon is the one who finally slayed Mutare the Dragon Queen in one-on-one combat. He did not survive the battle, but still freed the dragons from Mutare's influence and was also going to be remembered as the greatest Dragon Slayer of all time.

In Russian, Drakon and Dracon have the same name spelling (Дракон, Drakon), since letters C and K are transliterated in the same way, namely as K (e.g. Korbac is "Корбак", Korbak, in Russian).

See also:[edit source]