Dargem's Diary

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Entry Message
A Friendly Visit
234 DargemDargem Dargem: I was enjoying a nice evening out in my favorite establishment, one of the few on Regna worthy of a designation nicer than a "boozer," savoring a bottle of aged AvLeean red with old acquaintances and entertaining them with a story of my struggle against bloodthirsty midgets and their pet undead off the coast of Jadame. Old Lew, the innkeeper, came and whispered in my ear that someone was looking for me. I had just called at the port; who Her appearance was quite inconspicuous, and it was a challenge to guess what this person could possibly want from me.

Stella: "Mister Dargem?" she inquired.

DargemDargem Dargem: "That is correct. Dargem Llywellyn at your service," I nodded and sat down on the nearest chair. The stranger also sat down, smiling amiably.

Stella: "I am Stella. And I am looking for..." she paused. "Um. I'm looking for someone who would take on a very important mission."

DargemDargem Dargem: "My talents are not cheap," I immediately warned.

Stella: "That is irrelevant," she smiled again. "I chose you not because of what you charge, but rather because of... the specifics of the task at hand."

DargemDargem Dargem: "What is your point?" I narrowed my eyes.

Stella: "You will have to go to Nighon," Stella said with a sigh.

DargemDargem Dargem: "To Nighon? Me?! What on earth made you think it's a good idea?!"

Stella: "The fact that you know those parts better than anyone else who could be up for the job," my potential employer argued. "Besides, you're a mage. And an appreciator of rare ancient items..."

DargemDargem Dargem: "You sure know a lot about me," I managed in a hoarse voice.

Stella: "Naturally. I apologize if this discomforts you... but I couldn't possibly go looking for a mercenary blindly. I needed a special man."

DargemDargem Dargem: "Delighted to hear I'm special."

Stella: "Of course," Stella became serious. "If you complete the mission in Nighon, you will have the opportunity to participate in an expedition to locate one of the few truly legendary artifacts in existence.

DargemDargem Dargem: "Now that's something you don't hear every day! What kind of an artifact? I was amazed.

Stella: "I am not authorized to disclose it yet. Your first objective will be in Nighon."

235 DargemDargem Dargem: It would seem that this girl, Stella, is more than just resourceful. I have no idea who she is or what she does for a living; that being said, I'm a mercenary (even if I'm not fond of the word, tainted so badly by those Jadamean scoundrels!), and I don't care about the minutiae. My job is to do what the employer pays for.

The outline of things to do, I must say, gave me pause, but I managed to keep my thoughts to myself. I was to deliver a thing called Dragon Shield to the Nighonian town of Maramec. Stella gave me a hefty purse of gold to equip my expedition and procure everything I needed. I haven't the slightest idea of who wants this shield there or for what purposes, but the dungeon lords are less than likely to welcome me back with open arms. We ("We!" I'd long gotten out of the habit of saying "we" when talking about Nighonians!) have never had a lot of warm feelings for surface dwellers. Same story as with pirates and landlubbers. Well, much time has passed; I am no longer a tunnel rat, but rather a bilge one. My former friends and colleagues detest me; what else is new? I will now have to once again step inside the cold innards of Nighon.

Feelings are feelings; work is work.

236 DargemDargem Dargem: My crew and I set up shop in a former Erathian fort. Back in the day, it was built here to monitor the area and coastal waters, but it has been abandoned for a couple dozen years now. Here we need to muster our forces, before landing on the desolate surface of my former homeland. As far as I know, there are a couple of free pirate settlements on the shore. If possible, I should get their residents to help me. That's going to carry a price, of course! Myself, I would never agree to go cave-crawling for free—but, thank the gods, there's a hefty reward for me in it.

The rough outline of an action plan is ready. Now we must prepare so that everything goes according to it.

237 DargemDargem Dargem: I dug into my memory and extracted an important thread from it. Back in the day, a friend of mine, Miriam, used to roam these waters. That girl was lots of fun, and on top of that... more than a little quirky! Completely devoid of social manners, too—but that didn't bother me at all at the time. I think it still won't be a problem, should we meet again. I remember how we spent a night at an abandoned lighthouse, sipping brandy and watching the stars. Oh, what wonderful times it was—I felt young again! It might be worth trying to seek out Miriam. She could be willing to help me with this case.
238 DargemDargem Dargem: I have a feeling that something is not quite right with this whole story, but I can't put my finger on it. What kind of artifact was Stella talking about?

My love of rarities keeps bringing troubles on my head. My career as a warlock ended after I stole the legendary Helmet of Anduran from none other than Tor Anwyn. What could I do? I just couldn't avoid doing it! I wanted to touch the Helmet, study it... know that I, and not anyone else, have this relic in my collection. In the end, it was Tor's own fault: he wouldn't sell it to me, whatever was the price I offered...

Darn it, I'm just burning with impatience!

240 DargemDargem Dargem: It was neither easy nor cheap, but I reactivated some of my old connections. There is a civil war going in Nighon right now, started by a certain Mutare. I have no idea who this is, but for some reason hearing her name feels uncomfortable. Probably, were I one of the warlocks right now, I would raise arms against her—but this is not my war anymore. Anyway, because of these events, the border garrisons have been weakened; it won't be too hard to get into the dungeons.

Maramec is in the northeast. Per Stella's instructions, I have to hand over the Shield to someone in this town. This person will seek me out and pick up the artifact. Then, I can sail away, to never, ever come back!

That's when I'll find out what kind of expedition I'm being offered.

241 DargemDargem Dargem: It has been many years since I became a Regnan pirate (here goes another unpleasant, tarnished word: pirate. I am definitely one, but me and those fellows without honor or good reason, whom Regna is teeming with? There is no more in common between us than between an eagle and a reeking buzzard!). Of course, I was curious to find out who inhabited this kingdom, one of the most unusual states in all of Enroth.

The Empire of the Endless Ocean, I think that's what they call us. Sounds grand, doesn't it? The pirates themselves are a very diverse people. Many were born and raised on board, and they don't know any other life. One can say that a pirate in these parts is a hereditary profession. It's not easy for an outsider to become one of them, unless he can make an instant, strong impression on others. The most powerful, smart, and brave among the pirates become captains and navigators. The rest are their troops. At the same time, notably, there is a unique atmosphere of solidarity and brotherhood among them... at least when at sea. There is unwavering discipline and subordination on pirate ships. Even the Erathian Guards could envy them.

Everything changes as soon as the pirates come ashore, though! They instantly turn into slovenly loafers. They like to drink and smoke; most would never tell claret from port, yet still, they pride themselves in splurging on fine wines and tobacco imported from the colonies. They love gambling, fighting, and women. In other words, they enjoy everything that is forbidden on board. And yet, at the first call of their captain, they instantly pull themselves together, becoming a formidable force. I've always been surprised by these metamorphoses.

Each pirate is proficient in several types of weapons, usually rapiers, cutlasses and pistols. The pistol is an achievement of the Bracadan alchemists. This fairly easy-to-manufacture weapon has not yet become widespread among the other kingdoms of Antagarich. Jadame is another thing altogether... but I digress. In fact, the pistol is a miniature likeness of a ship's cannon. A skilled shooter can take down a knight, armored from the heels to the top of his head, with a single shot. I believe that the feudal lords of Erathia and Enroth are simply afraid of these weapons spreading among the commoners, and the Bracadans simply do not need them—they have their magic. The Regnans, however, do not suffer from any silly phobias; this wonderful invention sees the widest use there.

242 DargemDargem Dargem: So what happens to most outsiders on Regna?

Escaped serfs, former prisoners of war who decided to stay among their captors, and the aborigines of many small islands belonging to Regna — they all become sailors. These are the trusty workhorses, suitable for a variety of purposes. They do most of the menial work on ships, fight shoulder to shoulder with the pirates, and do hard labor on land. Those sailors who manage to save up some money and decide to step away from maritime affairs settle on the islands. They work as blacksmiths, innkeepers, and shipwrights...

It is very hard for a run-of-the-mill sailor to become a full-fledged pirate, but those who have distinguished themselves in combat are highly respected. They're called cutthroats—they make up the backbone of boarding parties.

244 DargemDargem Dargem: The most intriguing members of the Regnan community are the nymphs. These creatures of an entirely magical nature serve the pirates. It is believed that nymphs are distant relatives of fairies originating from the Plane of Water. One can reasonably argue about their affinity with fairies, but there is no doubt that they hail from the Plane of Water. Most likely, they are something like lesser water elementals. One of the first, strongest mages of Regna was able to bend these creatures to his will. Nymphs are not prisoners in our world; many of them come here of their own free will, especially in places where the borderline between the planes of existence is thin. However, most of the nymphs who serve pirates are summoned, and this is done with the help of ancient, powerful conjurations. The peculiarity of these creatures is that they are not afraid of death. A nymph killed in our world is reborn in the Plane of Water. The only way to utterly destroy her is to first travel to the other side of existence. They do not make for a significant force in battle, so the captains mostly use the nymphs as scouts.

Some pirates strive to find out how different nymphs are from human women. Hmm! This has never piqued my own interest. Come to think of it, a nymph, allegedly made up of water, should be much cleaner than your regular Regnan wench... Bah! Gods only know where such thoughts can take one! I shall only note here that one can often hear stories about the "uncle of the brother-in-law" of someone, who had allegedly married a nymph.

247 DargemDargem Dargem: The Ayssids are truly amazing creatures! They settle on the rocks and cliffs of tropical islands. An adult ayssid's wingspan can be as much as thirty feet. Some mistakenly consider them birds and compare them to the rocs that inhabit deserts. Per my own observations, however, these creatures have much more in common with wyverns and dragons than with birds!

Their bodies lack feathers, and there is something markedly reptilian in their appearance. The Ayssids feed on fish; to catch it, they dive into the sea from great heights. Apparently, they are great underwater swimmers and are able to hold their breath for a very long time. A hungry or enraged ayssid can attack any other creature, not excluding humans—these creatures do not know fear. It is said that the Ayssids also occur in the Planes of Water and Air, but alas, I have not been there myself yet and I cannot confirm this.

The pirates of Regna have been raising and training ayssids for generations. These creatures make good protectors and hunters, comparable to the griffins of Erathia. One can buy an egg at any market in Regna and raise oneself a loyal friend—if one knows anything about training animals, of course. A combination of a coming-of-age ayssid and an inept, insufficiently firm owner is a recipe for pecking to death waiting to happen.

248 DargemDargem Dargem: I should hurry up! My former colleagues have enlisted the help of the dragons—most likely, they sent a negotiation party to the bowels of Nighon, and you better believe that they paid through their nose for it, seeing as in a time of strife like this, every fire-breathing wyrm down there is worth its weight in gold. They are definitely coming to realization that they can hardly afford to be lackadaisical in handling the ongoing pirate; looks like they decided to resort to drastic measures. It's not that I'm afraid of dragons—I'm not even really afraid of death anymore... However, those scaly brutes will definitely be a problem.
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: I don't really believe in religious nonsense like gods; if I mention them, it's nothing more than a figure of speech. It always seemed to me that priestly magic is just a form of ordinary sorcery, only it relies on the resources of the caster himself, such as the power of the mind, spirit and body, rather than on the scholarly knowledge of magic formulas. So when I saw that alms box by a small temple on an unnamed island, I decided the holy rollers would hardly go broke if I helped myself to some of its contents.
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: And here looms the entrance to the caves of Nighon. To be honest, I didn't expect it to make me feel trepidation. I'm going home, only to leave again soon, and for good. Will there ever be another place I can call home?
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: This place feels extremely unpleasant to me. I can hear hissing, rising and falling, as if giant snakes are mimicking the sound of the surf. What could it be?
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: My goal is nigh. My heart palpitates with excitement! Before long, I will complete my mission, and then, I will find out what the mysterious stranger is offering me to become a part of. What legendary artifact was she talking about? It's time to get myself together and fulfill the first part of our agreement.
The Life Guard
250 DargemDargem Dargem: This was probably the day after which I began to loathe myself even worse than after my ill-fated theft of the Helmet.

It all started with Stella meeting me at the pre-agreed place, handing me a bag of ducats and saying:

Stella: "Excellent work, Mister Dargem! My masters are pleased with your success."

DargemDargem Dargem: "Glad to hear it, my lady," I nodded politely. "And now, I would like to hear more about the expedition you mentioned..."

Stella: "Nice of you to remember that," Stella smiled broadly. It seemed to me as though smiling was her professional skill. She had definitely mastered the art of answering any manner of a question with one. "If you still want to take part in the expedition, then there is one more task for you to do..."

DargemDargem Dargem: "Wait a minute, good lady, we didn't agree on this!"

Stella: "That much is true," she sighed. "You have the right to refuse. I must say, however, that this mission is extremely important to my masters. And likewise for you."

DargemDargem Dargem: "How so?" I inquired, squinting and looking her in the eye.

Stella: "The young barbarian chieftain Kilgor," Stella said softly. "Perhaps you've already heard of him—an unsavory character through and through... He recently spread the word that he is in dire need of mercenaries. He tried to raid Bracada, but ended up getting trapped. Now he needs a hand to break out. And Kilgor is willing to pay anything to get help. Do you understand what I'm getting at?" The young woman's eyes flashed, and she turned to the sea.

DargemDargem Dargem: "Hard not to. You want to help this savage out so that he will finance the expedition," I hazarded a guess.

Stella: "Correct, as always, Mister Dargem."

251 DargemDargem Dargem: And so I agreed to become the captain of a unit that should help Kilgor get out of his predicament. Well! I hear he can't stand mercenaries, but things are going from bad to worse for him, and he hardly has any choice. My men and I will approach from the sea and land to support the forces defending Fort Wildblade, the barbarian chieftain's headquarters. He was generous enough to placed an auxiliary fort at my disposal and even sent me something like a "liaison officer"—a pig-faced dolt with a nonsensical name that starts with "G". I think. This shambling mound of lard looks like a brigand through and through. Well, if anything, at least he can procure his own supplies for his rabble, even if by robbery.

The combined forces of Erathia and Bracada are advancing from the north. Our task is to contain them, and then to overturn and defeat them. Darn it, I'm a traveler, mage, and collector, not a warlord! I already tried this role once, and I didn't enjoy fighting regular troops at all.

Right now, my biggest concern is not so much the life of the filthy brute, Kilgor, but rather the prospect of letting down my employers. My reputation, which I had barely begun to revive, would be shattered forever, and, worse still, I would never find out about the expedition Stella's masters are planning. Well, how's that for an incentive to try and play Tarnum—or some other mythical military genius. I've acted on worse.

252 DargemDargem Dargem: I have received disturbing news. Bracada's troops are led by the legendary Solmyr. He is a powerful genie and a very close servant of Gavin Magnus himself. I wouldn't enjoy meeting him on the battlefield!

Maybe Kilgor's thugs could keep him at bay? Ugh. Dreaming sure feels nice—it's just a pity that dreams so rarely come true.

255 DargemDargem Dargem: Today, Gruezak delivered a message from Kilgor himself:

KilgorKilgor Kilgor: "Hireling! The Lord of Krewlod is addressing you! The Erathians and the spellweavers took me by surprise; that much you know. I am confident in my power, but the enemies outnumber me, and they have vile magicks on their side! I therefore command you: render all possible assistance to my forces and make sure that the enemy's shock troops do not penetrate my fortress!

I know your type well; people like you have no honor. You hired blades will happily stab your employer in the back if someone gives you a better deal. We're both grown men, and we understand that, don't we? I'll have a caravan of gold and supplies sent out—to secure my rear, not because I really like you. Under other circumstances, I'd love to see what color your guts are. Good luck!"

DargemDargem Dargem: Can't say I'm surprised. What else can you expect from a barbarian chieftain? A confession of love?

256 DargemDargem Dargem: Kilgore's spies were so kind as to shared some information with me—after, of course, they brought it to their ruler. If only this slop balloon, Gruezak, would be of use like that once in a while! Anyway, several enemy generals are preparing a strike at Fort Wildblade, right into the heart of the territory I have been deployed to defend. It is not yet known what kind of heroes they are, but there are at least two of them. The Bracadan wizards began work on an arcane ritual to magically transport those armies right under our arses!

Damn cowards! The only thing I know for sure is that they won't be able to bring all their generals here at once; they will send them one by one. After the first ritual, the mages will have to recharge their portal, and we will have about a month to prepare for a new strike.

257 DargemDargem Dargem: Sometimes I can't help but wonder; why does one's luck turn all the time? Fate can be capricious. It all started with that mouthy rat Boyd—he wanted to take my place, and it was clear as day, even to one with no eyes and half a brain. I put up with him for a long time, hoping he would come to his senses and quit scheming. Alas! I had to execute the half-wit as a show of force, so that no one would ever draw new plots against me.

And what do you think? He rose from the dead! I don't know who helped him—the mainland Jadame is an incredible mess, and literally anything can happen there.

The vile rotten carcass teamed up with goblins, man-eating midgets and other abominations from the wastelands, and they managed to oust us from the continent. I could not tolerate such an affront. I decided to take on this repeat offender... and failed!

That stupid bonehead rejoiced. He buried me alive, assured that he was not only killing me, but also condemning me to terrible death throes. Ha! Hoping to scare a Nighon native with some earth over his head! Isn't that something! Mind you, I am not a simple pirate—I am a sorcerer of the air element, and of quite outstanding power at that. Extracting some air out of the soil for breathing, weakening my bonds with tiny, pin-sharp gusts of wind—all that is small change for me. And then, long hours of patient, diligent exercises in forcing the wind to blow away the sand, until, layer by layer, it goes away and frees my coffin. Tor Anwyn himself couldn't handle me, let alone a stupid pirate's even stupider corpse!

There were no brains left in that bone box at all—otherwise he could have come up with a better idea than the execution, which I myself forced into his mind, begging him not to dispense the reckoning with the same measure that I once dispensed my punishment to him with. They say the Bracadans have come up with a whole science about the turns a person's thought takes—I think they call it psychology. Maybe I should write a textbook on the subject for them.

Well, dear diary, I have literally risen from the grave, and before long, I will regain my power... Very soon.

258 DargemDargem Dargem: A caravan of gold from Kilgor has arrived. I hope this doesn't cripple his army too much. I believe his dashing men are getting ready to do something too, besides watching Dargem do the dirty work. Or are they?
260 DargemDargem Dargem: A woman on a ship is trouble; that's what Erathian sailors think. This is actually the case, and it's quite understandable. On a long voyage, the male crew will sooner or later get at each other's throats if one of them enjoys female company, while the others do not. For this very reason, the pirates never even take women captive—they just throw them overboard.

However, most of the female population of Regna can hardly be characterized as timid housewives. Some female pirates have become legends of no smaller caliber as the best male captains. Of course, few girls in Regna have the guts to become regular sailors—this is a difficult and taxing job, fraught with constant risk. There is a stratum of Priestesses of the Sea in this society—they are considered full-fledged crew members, but no one forces them to scrub the deck or stretch the sails.

They can hardly be called cultists, although they observe rituals originating from the religion of some small people once assimilated by pirates. Rather, they are battle mages, supporting the crew with simple but effective spells. Male pirates largely perceive them as comrades-in-arms; but that's before going ashore, of course. It is worth noting, however, that some of these priestesses are very talented spellweavers of no smaller power than, say, druids. They command great influence and maintain close ties with the most reputable captains and admirals.

261 DargemDargem Dargem: We should be on our guard! There is information that Adelaide, the ice priestess, will soon invade the region. Well, I, for one, am not afraid of her silly tricks with icicles. She'll regret getting in the way of Kilgor and I!
263 DargemDargem Dargem: What is known about the Nix?

They are an ancient race of humanoid amphibians. They differ from the Tatalian lizardmen in their larger size and emerald-colored scales. Also important is the fact that they prefer to live in salt water; they actually tend to spend more time in the depths than on land. Maybe the two species are related to an extent, but hardly greater than, say, goblins and ogres. The Nix once engaged in piracy, attacking ships and coercing tribute out of coastal settlements. This barbaric lifestyle, as well as constant internecine wars, brought the Nix to the verge of extinction.

They were scattered all over the world, and many ended up being enslaved. I've known these creatures since I lived in Nighon. We often used Nix laborers to work in flooded mines. Recently, however, they have managed to forget their old feuds and have reached out to the pirates of Regna. That was a wise decision: it gave their race powerful patrons.

An adult Nix is no weaker than an ogre or a troll, and armed with his weapon of choice, trident, he becomes a veritable death machine. For this reason, Regnan captains respect and value these creatures highly, and Nix can often be found at the forefront of their hosts.

264 DargemDargem Dargem: An urgent report came, telling about the soon-expected arrival of the wizard Astral in these parts! I think I've heard of this rascal before. He professionally messes with the heads of enemy soldiers, and is likely capable of other dirty tricks as well. If the scouts are not exaggerating, then Astral is accompanied by Titans. Apparently, he is dead set on vanquishing Kilgor. I cannot let that happen! No Titans will help him defeat our hordes. The old fool will crawl away in disgrace!
265 DargemDargem Dargem: It seems that the last enemy general is about to arrive here at the head of his army. The famous knight, Sir Mullich, decided to throw his gauntlet in this war. He is preparing to march here with a group of archangels. I must admit that this foe is our biggest threat thus far. Just how accomplished a warrior Sir Mullich is can be judged by the fact that he is no more allowed to ride in jousting tournaments, so that others would have a chance to shine. However, an all-out war is no tilt, and I am not bound by any rules here! That being said, we should make proper preparations; It's not worth taking risks when victory is so close and the enemy is about to falter. Perhaps I won't even have to pummel Mullich with my own hands—if I manage to distract his attention from Kilgore's headquarters, the time gained thus should be enough for reinforcements from Krewlod to arrive. Once they're here, the enemy coalition will have no choice but to retreat.
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: I noticed that brightly colored tent from afar. I thought it might be the keymaster's, for some reason left unmarked on my map—but it was surprisingly small, which confused me. Then an odd-looking grey-haired man in a peculiar outfit appeared from somewhere. When he saw us, he waved, then ran into the tent. Just as I shouted at him, "Who are you?", the tent vanished into thin air! We searched the area carefully, but found no sign of the old man or his blue tent... There was, however, something valuable lying on the ground: he must have dropped it.
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: We saw an unfamiliar ship: it popped up, as if out of nowhere. As we got closer, someone on its board shouted loudly, 'De Spanjaarden!', and then the ship just disappeared! What do these words mean? I've never heard anything like that. We must have encountered the legendary Flying Jadamean—it's said to bring bad luck.
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: A puff of smoke from over the hill caught my attention. I decided to check it out. To my surprise, I found a halfling farmstead! With all my rage, I let a bolt of lightning at the nearest shack. The house burst into flames, and the little bastards scattered in terror. I laughed ominously, sent a few more bolts after them, and then snatched a musket from a companion's hands and fired a shot.

Let those dirty midgets remember Dargem! Let them run all the way to Jadame and complain to their kin!

I hate the halflings, their nasty chieftess Henrietta, and her friend, the old goof Frederick. If they dare get in my way again, I won't be playing by gentlemen's rules!

After quenching my thirst for revenge, I decided to replenish my supplies a little. By way of robbery, of course. I'll see if someone dares say I didn't deserve it!

N/A DargemDargem Dargem: Today, I met a famous scholar named Lex. We sat by the campfire, trading stories. Lex told me that somewhere in the void between worlds, huge chunks of stone are flying, on which people and other creatures live—and these stones seem to form new worlds like ours. To be honest, it sounded like ravings of a madman to me. Flying rocks? They are heavy and inevitably fall! Still, some food for thought.
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: I had an utterly dreadful dream today! In it, I worked at an observatory lost in the mountains. It was equipped with huge telescopes that transmitted information to a crystal ball. Suddenly, something went wrong with the telescopes: the feed from them began to stutter. It was night outside, and I was very scared, but I had to check out the telescopes and find out what was wrong. I was shaking with terror at the thought of going out into the mountains in the middle of the night! I had a pony in the stable to ride on. I was just trying to mount when I fell and woke up. How good I felt after finding out that it was merely a dream!
The Tree Killer
270 DargemDargem Dargem: That evening, I was standing on the pier of a harbor near Krewlod. Stella came to oversee the delivery of the reward from the barbarian chieftain.

"I'm not finding this funny anymore, my lady," I sighed, and gave way to a team of goblins dragging a chest full of silver.

Stella: "I understand your desperation," Stella said. "You would be in your right if you decided to terminate the contract. You have already done a lot for us, Mister Dargem."

DargemDargem Dargem: "I think I just might," I said, relieved.

Stella: "Fine," the young woman beamed. "Then would you be so kind as to recommend me another mercenary who would be willing to go on an expedition to find the Horn of the Abyss?"

DargemDargem Dargem: "That thing is a myth," I muttered, and turned away. Stella waved her hand vaguely and was about to leave when some kind of an instinct struck me. "Are you saying that you believe the Horn of the Abyss exists?"

Stella: "My employers are serious people. They would never waste their energy and money on searching for something that is not there. We just need to make the final preparations. I am very sorry that you, my dear Mister Dargem, have decided to withdraw from the playing table..."

DargemDargem Dargem: "No, wait," I said excitedly. "I haven't yet decided anything! So what do you need for the expedition?" Stella looked me in the eye and straightened her hair.

Stella: "No fewer than five caravels. Preferably built from elven pine, but the long ears won't trade with pirates... And if we resort to smuggler channels, our procurement will take forever, let alone cost way too much. How do we resolve this situation?"

DargemDargem Dargem: "Dear lady, allow me to offer you a plan," I said carefully, shifting my weight from one foot to the other. "If the elves don't sell us the timber, we'll take it ourselves."

Stella: "A raid on AvLee?" Stella inquired.

DargemDargem Dargem: "Precisely," I said. "Trust me, you will get everything you need, and very soon."

Stella: "You must mean, 'we will'?" The woman narrowed her eyes.}

271 DargemDargem Dargem: Landing on the shores of AvLee is something I'd done before. I was just beginning my career as a mercenary, serving under a character by the name of Ergon, a barbarian from somewhere in north Enroth. Probably not the best time for reminiscing about that. The bottom line is that the pointy ears are not quite as serious about protecting their shores as the forests. Must be a quirk of their psyche.

As soon as I set foot on dry land, I sent a quick-witted sailor to reconnoiter. He came beck with a report of an elven settlement right to the south, even with something resembling a fort. This is good news; we can settle down there for the duration of our timber harvesting operation.

273 DargemDargem Dargem: As I expected, the elves and their cronies weren't particularly keen on preventing us from settling in AvLee. I can intimidate and bribe the people here in the fort so they will serve me. All in all, the elves are not a very tightly-knit people; they only unite when there's some common threat looming. Their peculiar sense of inner freedom tends to play these tricks on them.

Now the main challenge was revealed: most of the sawmills here are controlled by druids and are not well-suited for mass harvesting of timber. Stella didn't allow me much time—her masters expect the goods in three months.

274 DargemDargem Dargem: According to rumor and legend, some items can be found in the lands of AvLee that, when combined, should make a powerful weapon known as the Sharpshooter's Bow. I'm not much of an archer, but allegedly, even someone as inexperienced as myself can pick up this bow and hit a squirrel square in the eye from several hundred paces away.
275 DargemDargem Dargem: A surprising thing occurred to me: if dendroids are born from the trees that grow here, then... saw one down, and it'll yield boards of no worse quality than elven pine. Cut down woods, cut down dendroids... I don't see the difference!
277 DargemDargem Dargem: Sentries report that at night, near the fort, they see strange creatures that look like bald, blind short people. I think they're talking about troglodytes—but I have no idea what they could've been up to here. The occurrences of them coming to the surface are very, very rare... unless someone or something forces them to leave their tunnels.
278 DargemDargem Dargem: Finally all is clear. Today I received a message from Tor Anwyn himself. The scroll in an elegant screw-down case was dropped by a harpy flying over my camp. By gods, it's a delight to read a well-written letter from a smart person once in a while, even if the sender is an enemy. It's not often that I get to experience such pleasure these days! And what exquisite handwriting! The contents, however...

Tor Anwyn: "Greetings, Dargem! It's been a long time since we last met, but according to the latest news, you're still alive. I was beginning to forget about you—it's veritable elysium here in Nighon, you know. However, your recent visit to Maramec has made me very sad! Whether you work for Mutare or just sell your talents to someone else is not the point. You chose your own destiny of being a thief and a traitor yourself. Now accept what is due to your kind. Punishment, that is. I have tracked your movements; very soon Gunnar and his minotaurs will be on your trail to send greetings from home. Dargem, you know that I am not a bloodthirsty or vindictive man, so I did not ask Gunnar for your head... however, your last act was too much, even for my patience. Good luck."

DargemDargem Dargem: That's it! Tor wants me dead—though it feels as though he doesn't think much of his pet bull's abilities. Oh, why at such an inconvenient moment? On the other hand, I highly doubt that the elves will allow the thugs from Nighon to roam their lands unhindered. Perhaps I can sic my enemies on each other to make things easier for myself.

279 DargemDargem Dargem: Today, a huge seabird flew over our camp and dropped something. My boys examined the place where the object fell before inviting me to join them. I found a stone wrapped in sealskin, with something scrawled on the leather. Puzzled, I picked up the stone and read the message.

It was a note from my longtime lieutenant, Bess, who had stayed in Jadame after I left. Per Bess, the vile halflings had finally come to blows with each other. What gratifying news to hear! I hope they chew out each other's livers, and the armadillos will be happy to gnaw their bones and bury them in the ruins of that stinking hole, Bruton... or whatever their den was called!

280 DargemDargem Dargem: The timber harvesting operation has been going on for two months now. I guess Stella and her masters are worried about my success. I should send an assurance that I have everything under control and that I will soon come up with everything they need.
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: Near the fort, I saw an odd sight: the remains of elves and centaurs, mixed with uprooted trees, were scattered about a trampled clearing. All around the place, I could see the tracks of huge, shod hooves... Lots of prints, unnervingly familiar-looking. Naturally, I recognized these tracks—there were minotaurs here, lots of minotaurs!
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: What luck! I found a large stack of fine timber. Must be the smugglers' stockpile. I must say, even if the owners were here now, I would not give up my intent to take it.
Knee-Deep In The Undead
281 DargemDargem Dargem: I rarely receive guests, but for Stella, I was glad to make an exception. We were sitting in my living room. From the outside, my place is perfectly inconspicuous, but the interior is a different thing altogether. There's a lot to look at; I had brought most of things here all the way from Nighon, and the newer ones came from my travels. Sometimes, I jokingly refer to my living room as the "Museum of Dargem"—this tends to impress my guests, especially the female ones, rare as they are. However, Stella didn't seem to pay much mind to my dwelling's adornments.

Stella: "I think it is high time you met my masters, Mister Dargem," she chirped. "If you don't mind, of course."

DargemDargem Dargem: "Not at all," I said.

It got colder for a moment, then the air shivered, and a window appeared next to us—only it was suspended right in the middle of the room. A rather attractive lady was looking at me from beyond it. She appeared to be in her mid-thirties, but I knew better than to think about the actual age of women who could use magic.

CasmetraCasmetra Casmetra: "My name is Casmetra. I represent the Noraston Sorceress Guild," she announced.

DargemDargem Dargem: I rose and bowed. "Dargem Llywellyn. Surely, you already know my name."

CasmetraCasmetra Casmetra: "Indeed," the sorceress nodded benevolently. "I intend to discuss the main issue at hand, Mister Dargem. My assistant has not filled you in yet, has she?"

DargemDargem Dargem: "Alas! All I know is that you're in search of the Horn of the Abyss," I offered with guilt.

CasmetraCasmetra Casmetra: "I see," Casmetra said, and sank into a chair on her side of the magic window.

DargemDargem Dargem: I followed her example. The enchantress studied me intently, as if I were a curiosity. Stella, on the other hand, just sat there smiling, looking from me to her mistress.

CasmetraCasmetra Casmetra: "Our guild searches for rare artifacts," Casmetra said softly. "I was assigned to organize an expedition for the Horn of the Abyss..."

DargemDargem Dargem: "Wouldn't the Ironfist Royal Court help you with that? I know Noraston to be a faithful ally to the the Crown," I said.

CasmetraCasmetra Casmetra: "Unfortunately, no! Ever since the Kreegan invasion, they care precious little about our research, so they we only have our own resources to rely upon. You have done us a great service in helping us build a fleet. Soon enought, the best craftsmen will be done working on the ships, and we will head for the Horn. There's one caveat, though," Casmetra said, sounding annoyed. "The location of the vault containing the artifact is unclear. We know of several possible places and are quite sure that one of them is correct, but we don't have the manpower or time to check each of the options. We need a reliable source of knowledge."

DargemDargem Dargem: "Like what?" I asked warily.

CasmetraCasmetra Casmetra: "Gavin Magnus' library," the sorceress sneered.

DargemDargem Dargem: "Pardon me?" I turned pale.

CasmetraCasmetra Casmetra: "A joke. That would surely be a source of knowledge for ages, but we are not up to the task. That leaves one more option: the library of Archibald Ironfist. Kastore, the new ruler of Deyja, ordered it to be transported to the Doom Castle, the country's central book depository. Tell me, sir, how do you feel about going on a quest to the land of necromancers?"

282 DargemDargem Dargem: This idea would have been completely insane, if luck hadn't struck. Gunnar, the minotaur Tor sent to slay me. The horned brute realized his mission had failed, and sent a messenger with an offer to negotiate. We met near a burned-down elven village. The place seemed to have once been big on wine-making, and judging by the thick smell the minotaur gave off almost a dozen paces away, he was loath to let the products of their work go to waste.

GunnarGunnar Gunnar: "Kill me," said the huge creature.

DargemDargem Dargem: "Why would I want to kill you?" I shrugged.

GunnarGunnar Gunnar: "I failed my lord... I am disgraced."

DargemDargem Dargem: "As far as I know, he didn't ask you for my head. Go back and claim that you actually killed me," I said calmly to the minotaur, "and I'll give you some personal item of mine to show as proof."

GunnarGunnar Gunnar: "Why would you do that? What are you up to?" Gunnar bellowed, struggling to raise his eyebrows.

DargemDargem Dargem: "You and your thugs can do me a favor. Let's help each other and part as two content men."

GunnarGunnar Gunnar: "Cunning," said the minotaur. "What do you want?"

DargemDargem Dargem: "I must go to Deyja. Storm their book depository. Are there any usable tunnels leading there?"

GunnarGunnar Gunnar: "Of course. You're a Nighonian, so you should know it as well as I do; there are tunnels leading everywhere," the Minotaur put on the semblance of a smile—as far as a bull's face is capable of pulling one.

DargemDargem Dargem: He held out a huge, shaggy paw, and we shook on it.

283 DargemDargem Dargem: It'd been a long time since I'd done underground operations... and there was something dear about it. I set up camp near Gunnar's. There were old tunnels here, dug by hell knows who or when. They must have been swarming with ancient, dangerous creatures.

We should expect fierce resistance from necromancers, but the Horn of the Abyss was definitely worth the effort.

284 DargemDargem Dargem: Scouts report that necromancers are aware of these tunnels and have posted guard. That's bad news: they'll try to hold us off while they build up their own forces on the surface.

On top of that, one troglodyte brought a note he'd found somewhere in the dungeon. Most likely, someone planted it there on purpose, knowing that sooner or later we would stumble upon it.

The note read:

MaximusMaximus Maximus: "I do not know who you are or who you work for, but I can hazard a guess. I'll admit it was a fairly clever idea to slither out of the ground right in the middle of our country, but we're not nearly as careless as the Erathians to be taken by surprise with such a trick. If you don't want to become walking dead, you will now leave here voluntarily and take your gang of thugs and monsters with you. My name is Maximus, advisor to Kastore, King of Deyja, and chief warlord, and I will not allow you to trample this land alive for long."

285 DargemDargem Dargem: The Horn of the Abyss... This artifact is considered to be little more than a myth. For pirates, this Horn is akin to the Holy Grail for the knights. Everyone knows that it exists and that it is worth searching for, but no one possesses any proven or precise information about where it is or what it is good for. If Lady Casmetra is right, then I will have a priceless opportunity to touch this wonder... but it depresses me to think about giving a unique thing like that to a convent... Noraston, that is. I wouldn't mind keeping it for myself! So much effort spent on my part—it simply wouldn't be fair if Casmetra got her hands on it. I don't really believe that the Horn, if it does exist, has any arcane powers, but many in Regna do trust it to be the case... so if I bring it there, I can set up an auction and take home a bigger jackpot than Silverflint himself, the greatest of all Regnan adventurers, ever dreamed of!

All right, get a grip on yourself, old sport. The Horn is not yet within reach, so it's better to focus on more pressing matters.

286 DargemDargem Dargem: Anything other than the walking dead and goblins is a rare sight on the surface of Deyja. Still, there are occasional wild harpies]—but these flying rats seem to live wherever you can find ordinary rats. Everywhere, that is. Perhaps Gunnar can persuade some of them to join his host.
287 DargemDargem Dargem: The depths of the sea hide dreadful carnivorous creatures that look like giant snakes. Fishermen call them "eels", but the correct term for them is "haspids."

These haspids spend most of their time at the bottom, hiding in burrows and the hulls of sunken ships. Only during mating and hunting do they rise to the surface, posing a huge threat to navigators. A haspid can swallow a young whale whole—compared to that, a ship's crew put together is a mere snack! The good news is that these sea colossi don't have to feed often.

A handful of sophisticated mages and beastmasters know how to tame haspids, but only the wealthiest and most powerful of the pirate lords can afford their services. This is hardly a surprise in itself; the black dragons of Nighon are no less dangerous, but this has never stopped warlocks from using these creatures liberally in their wars.

288 DargemDargem Dargem: Gunnar's scouts report that there is only one exit from the tunnels to the surface. This is good news. One should never underestimate necromancers, though. There is a very serious resistance waiting for me at the Doom Castle, led by Maximus (what a stupid name!) himself, so we should prepare accordingly. I also think it makes sense to first defeat the armies of the local Deyjan lords so that they don't get in the way. We should do it first before they muster their strength and head into the caves to get our hides.
289 DargemDargem Dargem: Some people wonder about the fundamental differences between the wizards of Bracada, the warlocks of Nighon and the necromancers of Deyja. The answer is simple: there are none.

We use the same powers, and the only thing that sets us apart is certain moral limitations. We warlocks stop at nothing to find the truth. Some of my colleagues even practice necromancy. The Bracadans, on the other hand, avoid harming living beings as much as possible, and therefore their magical science is hopelessly lagging behind. They hide their inferiority behind intricate inventions like golems, gargoyles, and titans... Take gunpowder, for one: they invented it, but they only ever use it for fireworks. What a joke!

Necromancers, on their part, are stuck on their study of death and are terribly reluctant to expand their horizons. Some of them even believe that a true necromancer should get rid of emotions and feelings, getting closer in his way of thinking to a walking corpse. Fools.

290 DargemDargem Dargem: Our men found another note today. Apparently, this Cactusis fellow is using vampires to plant these messages unnoticed.

In the latest one, he wrote:

MaximusMaximus Maximus: "I can see you're fools, and you're stubborn, too—but I expected as much. Good old Mister Mustache wouldn't have sent any other. You'd rather die than fail the mission. That much I understand! Then prepare for war. The longer you mess around, the more reinforcements will I receive. We also have our own secret passages. You will all die at the walls of my fortress. Maximus."

DargemDargem Dargem: It's probably time to answer him. I hate being insulted while forcedly remaining silent. I feel vulnerable at times like this! I must always have the last word. I also don't know who he's talking about. What Mister Mustache? Apparently, our fine Cactusis has developed paranoia.

291 DargemDargem Dargem: Finally, it was time for me to come up with a reply! I was losing sleep, mulling over my imaginary dialogues with this creep Maximus.

Here's what I wrote:

"My disrespected Cactusis! I have no idea what things go inside your head after giving in to your love for cactus and zombie spleen tincture. However, I would be remiss not to give you a fair warning: you stand in the way of the best mercenary that ever graced this world. You'd better gather up your walking bones and run. I suggest Krewlod, where green cactus lovers like you are well received."

Imagining Maximus' rage at reading this, I gave the note to a harpy.

N/A DargemDargem Dargem: Necromancers have captured a powerful elemental. Most likely, they are putting it to some experiments. I hope the elemental hasn't gone mad from the torture; he might agree to help us. Can a rock even feel pain anyway?
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: We finally made it to the surface. Out of habit, I was about to tie a handkerchief over my eyes so I wouldn't get blinded, but Deyja's sun was barely breaking through a thick sheet of gray clouds. It was much brighter in the torchlit dungeons than under that sickly-colored sky.

Is that how they live here? Not all necromancers and death knights are undead; some are still living creatures. Back when I lived in Nighon, I liked to go out to the surface every now and then, touch the grass, smile at the sun. This place, however... looks like staying in caves would be a lot better for one's peace of mind than going outside. It's all the same for Gunnar—he doesn't think much anyway, and he's plastered all the time these days, unable to come to terms with himself about his failure. But what about me? What can I do to sort out the disorder in my soul?

N/A DargemDargem Dargem: The strangest things are going on here! I can smell heavy stench of burning oil, and ahead of me, there loom buildings that look like golem factories; I've seen thoce in Bracada. Have necromancers started mass-producing golems too, or something? Of course, I've heard of such creatures made of bones and dead flesh, but there never used to be more than a handful of them in the world, mostly museum exhibits. Why do that if you can just make a corpse walk as it is? I don't know what this place is or what's going on here!
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: It seems that mercenaries and crusaders are resting in this quiet corner of the cave, safe from the undead. Perhaps I can persuade them to join us for some money.
Chasing the Dream
301 DargemDargem Dargem: We had a long journey ahead of us. I would never have imagined a nameless archipelago off the coast of Tatalia to be the location of a legendary artifact—but Lady Casmetra stated with full confidence that it should be out there. She gave me all the instructions I might need and promised to keep an eye on my progress.

At first, I suspected Casmetra of plotting against me... however, the swampy shores of Tatalia on the horizon suggested that my employer was going to distract the lizardmen so that I could complete my mission unhindered. I shared my thoughts with Casmetra; she just smiled and assured me that my takeaway was absolutely correct.

302 DargemDargem Dargem: Our paths diverged: the sorceress' fleet sailed for the coast of Tatalia, while my own ships headed towards a mysterious archipelago I had never seen on any map. It must have been deliberately kept a secret from the curious eye, and therefore I reckon that information about it was somehow removed from the cartographers' archives—but i cannot even begin to imagine who could possess the means to provide for that. Suddenly, I felt a gust of icy wind... it was as if a storm had gathered within a split second!

We had a rough time, but the situation remained under control. We were, however, forced to make a sharp turn that took us far away from the other two ships with my men. Our own ship had taken heavy damage, so we had to immediately moor at the first island we sailed by. What a shame! I can only hope that our other parties will land on the same island, and we will be able to join forces.

I went down to the sandy beach at the head of a small group of mercenaries and looked bitterly at the ship. It's going to need extensive repairs! I didn't want to think about it now, though. I was burning with impatience—I was about to unravel the scroll Casmetra had given me, instructing me to only read it after getting close to the target. The yellowed parchment bore a map of the dungeon that apparently contained the Horn of the Abyss. By the looks of it, the map was charted a very long time ago. We took a great deal of papers and scrolls from the necromancers' library, but I couldn't remember this one. However, back then, I didn't really have time to study the loot in earnest. I was confused by the fact that the map bore next to no markings, except for a couple of obscure icons with captions: "The Horn should be here" and "Guardian!!!" Some magic words were also written here; they were supposed to be uttered in order to dispel some illusions. Unfortunately, the illusions weren't marked on the map either—I had to take my chances.

I tucked the map into my belt and sighed. We will have to defeat the Guardian. This will be the first step in... in MY quest for the Horn of the Abyss!

303 DargemDargem Dargem: Casmetra and her witches promised that they would be able to distract the Tatalians from my endeavors, but that's unlikely to last for longer than three months. My employer's powers aren't limitless, although I must admit that she had made quite the first impression on me... Well, what can you expect from a craven sorceress from Noraston? That she would bring an army of elves and unicorns? I mean... I was tormented for a while by doubts about her identity, but at this point, it doesn't matter at all.

I wish I could have persuaded Gunnar to stay with us, but the horned hulk was too scared to displease his Nighonian masters. The Minotaur and his goons would be a great help now that I have to defeat the Guardian, whoever it is.

It must be said that things are not so straightforward here! As Casmetra had stated, to get to the Guardian, one has to find the keys. And what might they be? I don't know. The only thing we are confident about is that the keys are somewhere in this archipelago as well. Time to get off the island and start searching.

304 DargemDargem Dargem: I had a thought: it's worth being thrifty with magic here. I need to shake the habit of unleashing powerful spells for the slightest reason, as I used to do. I don't know when or where I'll be able to find a source to recharge my magic reserves—and if I'm caught with them depleted at a bad moment, my expedition will end much sooner than I'd like.
306 DargemDargem Dargem: I've spent the longest time thinking about who this Guardian could be. Then, the answer came to me, like a revelation. This is undoubtedly an Azure Dragon. Maybe even more than one. Sometimes, these creatures are also called "ice dragons", although they have little in common with ice, or with any other element. They are astoundingly huge, ferocious and ancient. No one really knows if they came to be naturally, or if they were the work of some forerunner of Agar from before the Silence. Unlike the innately docile, or at least controllable, creatures that warlocks create with magic and alchemy, azure dragons are exceptionally intelligent and willful. Fortunately, they are quite rare, and besides, some knights and mages consider it their duty to slay at least one such creature, just to put a feather in their hat. Here's a good time to point out that the hunters killed these endeavors greatly outnumber the actual slayed dragons—but there is never a shortage of new madmen. The reputation gained by these Azure Dragons is thus peculiar, so they prefer to settle in places forgotten by the gods; sometimes, without meaning to, they also become guardians of ancient artifacts and other valuable things, just by way of making themselves a lair near one. If you manage to come across a dungeon where no human has set foot in a couple centuries, then there almost certainly is a monster of that kind waiting for you inside.
310 DargemDargem Dargem: A message came from this... Casmetra. She reproaches me for progressing slowly and sparingly describes her first encounter with the Tatalians. I'm only mildly annoyed by her grievances. Very soon, everyone will be talking about Dargem; I will become one of the most famous mages and collectors of our time. Does this fool really think I'll just yield the Horn to her?
312 DargemDargem Dargem: I saw flashes of lightning on the horizon. This isn't just a distant storm—these are traces of a magical battle. Most likely, Casmetra had come to blows with the Tatalians again. It pleases me to know she's toiling in vain, and it's a special pleasure to imagine her face contorted with anger, but that's no reason to be tardy. It's time to resolutely muster our strength and fight our way into the dungeon.
320 DargemDargem Dargem: The locals at the archipelago confuse me. From what I've seen and heard, counting the fools who come after the Horn of the Abyss seems to be a source of amusement here. I was even told that bets are being placed. Isn't that odd? I've worked my tail off to get information about this place! It felt like very few people should even know of it! So what was that all about? I spent months stomping around stinking, deadly holes just so some pompous wench could make sure I really was as good as my reputation? Maybe Casmetra had even sent someone here before. And she withheld the critical information of my predecessors' fates from me! Now that she's got me involved, it's not hard to imagine how things went for them... Doesn't matter anymore. Dargem Llywellyn will prove his worth. Even if the witch seeks to swindle me, I will definitely outsmart her.
321 DargemDargem Dargem: Am I losing the plot? It feels like a straight-up open house here, rather than a place where one of the greatest artifacts in the world's history is kept in strict secret. I've just heard from the locals that Black Balfour has been stomping around these parts for several weeks now. He is undoubtedly an eminent pirate, but certainly not a connoisseur of rarities; to be honest, he is an uncouth and all-around nasty character. What wind brought him here? And why now? Did that snake Casmetra lure him here too, looking to make sure I wouldn't leave here in one piece and carrying the Horn with me?! Well, this bastard should try me! I'll give him such thorough lightning bolt treatment, he'll turn black as a firebrand and finally earn his moniker in full!

Once I've dealt with him, I'll find Casmetra... First, I'm going to rip that stupid glove off her hand—was it meant to astound me, or something?! I'm not a five-years-old; glowing eyes and iron claws don't scare me. Then I'll blow the magic plaster off her face and see how old she really is—for one can't possibly amass such a wealth of treachery and meanness in one's soul over a single lifetime. And then... Then I'll probably get bored of messing with the worthless old hag; by then, I'll have the Horn of the Abyss in my hands! I guess I'll just let her go... and watch her fly down, because she'll be going straight off the balcony of that cursed tower of hers that looks so much like a goblin's club.

Horn of the Abyss! I will not allow you to be tainted by the paws of bloodthirsty halfwits and presumptuous fortune-tellers. You will be mine, mine!

322 DargemDargem Dargem: Today, a ship approached dangerously close to the archipelago. No idea whether it was a Tatalian or Erathian one. I couldn't see the flag. Maybe just a privateer. Once again, I'm reminded there's no time to lose. If hordes of lizardmen riding on basiliskback land here, my only option will be running away. Should this battle happen, I won't have any allies on my side, even dubious ones like Kilgor and his horde.
333 DargemDargem Dargem: Today I felt the ominous wind blowing again, just like during the storm that very nearly made my expedition keel over! I started sweating bullets and shivering.

It felt as though the sky itself was laughing ominously... and my guesses were confirmed. The Dead God is the old mate of mine, Boyd. The thief and rascal who plotted against me! Last time we met, I just walked away—but I should have tracked this walking carrion down and burned it with lightning!

I raised my head to the sky and exclaimed, "Hey, bone face! Let's meet and sort things out like men—even if all things masculine you've ever had have long rotted away! I've killed my share of powerful mages, warriors, and dragons; and I'll gladly kill a mindless dead clown a second time over if I must! Neither you, nor the dragons, nor anything else will stand in my way when I go to take the Horn of the Abyss!"

A sailor tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I was all right. I was taken aback and even dropped my hat. The sailor immediately picked it up and shoved it into my hands. I grinned and declared that very soon, we would be sending an old rotten scarecrow who overstayed his welcome in this world to the bottom of the sea! My crew met this announcement with an eager cheer.

N/A DargemDargem Dargem: A tall, one-eyed man assessed the damage. His verdict was that it would take at least a week and a half to fix the smashed side of the hull. This delay, unfortunately, cannot be avoided—but we now have time to locate a source of water and some supplies. On top of that, we will have to find two other ships. I can't wait to pick up the Horn, of course, but I can't afford to be irresponsible now.
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: A terrible picture! Both lost caravels are wrecked, and the shore is littered with corpses and broken weapons. I couldn't believe my eyes! My boys slayed by wild orcs! Had Gunnar been here with them, he would surely have handled those senseless creatures... Hell, even that dimwit Gruezak would've done some good! He'd suggest they eat the Guardian's carcass together, and the savages would've happily joined our cause! Instead, our forces have grown three times smaller now. I ordered a search of the wreckage... well, of the corpses, too. Maybe there's something valuable to be found on them—I mean, the lads don't need it anymore.
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: And so my adventure continues! No man or thing will prevent me from taking the Horn of the Abyss! According to legend, the Horn is powerful enough to ensure that I won't have to fear Casmetra or the ones behind her, should it come into my possession. I have no more doubts that she is not who she claims to be, but whoever she is, I will be able to protect my find from her!

What I'm worried about, though, is this Dead God. Could it be... No. Nonsense. That pile of bones should be thousands of miles away now, and that's if he hasn't already been laid to rest by some priest or paladin.

N/A DargemDargem Dargem: Loud-mouthed and stupid, harpies usually live in caves, but for some reason these ones have settled here. I don't even know if I have any use for them.
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: While exploring the island, we came across a thatched hut. I drew my cutlass and readied my ice beam, just in case someone jumps us—every other creature we meen on this damn island is trying to eat us!

My fears were unfounded. A decrepit, harmless-looking orc shaman came out of the hut, cast a purbling gaze at us, and croaked:

Orc Orc Shaman: "I know why you're here, umie. You want to get into the Dungeon of the Vengeful Serpent.

DargemDargem Dargem: "I sure hope 'umie' isn't an insult, or I'll freeze your empty head and crack it open like a rotten pumpkin," I said.

Orc Orc Shaman: "Lay a finger on me, umie, and you'll never know what it takes to get where you want to get!"

DargemDargem Dargem: I thought the argument reasonable, so I deactivated the spell and put my cutlass away. A surprisingly thorough conversation took place between us, and I learned I would have to find eight pendants to enter the Guardian's dungeon. Six of them are hidden in different parts of the island, and I need to be very careful to avoid missing them. One is kept by a local pirate, and another is in the possession of some "dead god." I didn't like the last one at all! When I asked the shaman what that "dead god" was, he just cackled ominously. Then he invited me to enter the hut, where he could show me the location of some of the pendants in his magic cauldron.

N/A DargemDargem Dargem: Just as I expected, I got fatally unlucky. We landed on an island inhabited by numerous, dangerous savages. Despite all troubles, I'm still a powerful mage—and I don't suppose anyone has ever encountered such might in this armpit of the world. I guess I might show these cannibals a couple of my little tricks. That should be enough for them to learn who's in charge here now!
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: Orcs are undoubtedly some of the stupidest creatures in the world. Even among goblins, some are not only farily intelligent, but also prone to magic. Orcs, however, are completely hopeless dullards! In these remote parts, however, I shouldn't be discriminating. Even they will do. As the azure dragon helps himself to their bodies, I will crush it with magic. Sounds like a plan!
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: Someone has scrawled on this rock: FEAR THE DEAD GOD. I can't stand imperatives addressed at me! What if I don't care to fear any god, dead or alive? If you're into this kind of thing, you can fear your gods to your heart's content. Myself, I prefer to be feared!
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: I met a bard girl who offered me a drink and an exchange of stories. According to the one she told, many years ago there was a prison on this archipelago. Languishing in it was a certain Siagum. These days, both the prison and its prisoner are nearly forgotten; who and why captured him it is not known. However, it is said one can still meet him if one's curious and lucky enough. This odd story stuck with me. Does it have anything to do with the dungeon? Somehow, I don't think it does.
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: A surprise: we found an abandoned mercenary camp. It looks as if those who set it up gathered up overnight and left, taking only the essentials. What could possibly frighten these thugs so much? I think I have a hunch. Most likely, there is a creephole leading to the surface from the dungeon where the Azure Dragons live, and every now and then, they come out to catch themselves a dinner that smells a little less musty than their usual prey. Such a creature appearing suddenly before them might well have caused the mercenaries to run for the hills.
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: Per Casmetra's instructions, this is the island. It is surrounded by very rough waters, and the depth increases sharply just a few cubits from the shore, but for some reason the waves have not washed away the sand covering it... I studied the surface of the island carefully and realized that the breath of Azure Dragons has a peculiar effect on the environment: it causes any matter to crystallize. This is not sand, but salt! It seems that the surrounding waters are gradually turning into it; new grains are sticking to the mass, and the island is slowly growing. What monstrous power such a transformation should take! However, it should be much easier to turn the human body into a crystal; it contains much more matter that is already solid. I imagined the process of getting turned into a pillar of salt. I shuddered.
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: It looks like these caves are much more extensive than they seem. The key to success is to choose the right path and avoid wasting time.
N/A DargemDargem Dargem: There were piles of ice salt on the ground—the remains of my predecessors. I could feel the Azure Dragons' breath. The creatures were waiting for me in the darkness of the cave. I must... I must defeat them! This is something worth living for! The goal of my entire existence is the Horn of the Abyss! Now I know what I'd been working towards all these years. What I fought fate for. There is no more fear, only determination. Inside this cave lies the answer to all questions, the reward for everything I have endured along the way. I'm about to get what I deserve. One more step...