Dannil Darvin

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Lost Lore Only found in the Lost Lore.

Lieutenant in the Royal Erathian Military Command. He serves as a narrator for several legendary accounts of events around Antagarich during the events of Heroes of Might and Magic III.

Stories[edit | edit source]

  • Rumors from the Court: Proclamation
  • Rumors from the Court: A Word of Courage...

Rumors from the Court: Proclamation Lost Lore[edit | edit source]

May I please have everyone's attention! Thank you. My name is Dannil Darvin, Lieutenant of the Royal Erathian Military Command, and I've been instructed to come here and read this, uh, proclamation to you so, uh, here it goes.

"In light of the recent tragedy of the loss of the Nation of Erathia's King, Nicolas Gryphonheart I, and in light of the fact that no bloodline heir to the Throne of Erathia exists, rule of the Kingdom of Erathia shall pass to the Royal Erathian Military Command until such time as a proper successor can be found.
Know, too, that the murder of the King will not go unpunished. An investigation has already provided several leads, and it is only a matter of time before the guilty party is brought to justice.
So signed, General Morgan Kendal, Commander, REMC."

Well, uh, that's it I guess. I've also been assigned to the Palace, so I'll be here until I receive new orders. Please try to stay calm, I'm sure this will all blow over soon enough.

Rumors from the Court: A Word of Courage... Lost Lore[edit | edit source]

Well, it would seem that for once the Kreegans have managed to defeat the Dungeon Overlords. We just received a report that after two days of fighting, the Dungeon Overlords were driven underground, most likely in a retreat back to their Nighon homeland.

Not only that, but following the battle, half the Kreegan army began its retreat to Eeofol, while the other half, apparently as some sort of diversion, attacked the Erathian Garrison forces stationed in the Contested Lands. Heavy losses were inflicted to both sides, but our latest information shows a victory for the REMC, though reinforcements will be sent to the region over the next several days should another attack occur.

Fear not, friends. We have defeated the Kreegans in the past. We shall defeat them again.