Comparison of Ranged Creatures

From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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NOTE: Averages do not include war machines.

Name Town Lvl Att Def Dmg- Dmg+ HP Spd Shots Gr Max
Gold Cost Dmg/
Max Gr
Gold cost
Max Gr
AI Val
Max Gr
Total HP
Max Gr
per Gold
AI Val
per Gold
per Gold

Archer Archer Town portrait Castle small.png 2 6 3 2 3 10 4 12 9 18 126 100 2.25 1800 2268 180 40.5 0.1 1.26 0.023
Marksman Marksman Town portrait Castle small.png 2+ 6 3 2 3 10 6 24 9 18 184 150 4.5 2700 3312 180 81 0.067 1.227 0.03 Double attack
Monk Monk Town portrait Castle small.png 5 12 7 10 12 30 5 12 3 6 582 Horn of the Abyss485 Shadow of Death 400 12.1 2400 3492 Horn of the Abyss2910 Shadow of Death 180 72.6 0.075 1.455 Horn of the Abyss1.213 Shadow of Death 0.03
Zealot Zealot Town portrait Castle small.png 5+ 12 10 10 12 30 7 24 3 6 750 450 12.1 2700 4500 180 72.6 0.067 1.667 0.027 No melee penalty
Wood Elf Wood Elf Town portrait Rampart small.png 3 9 5 3 5 15 6 24 7 14 234 200 3.9 2800 3276 210 54.6 0.075 1.170 0.02
Grand Elf Grand Elf Town portrait Rampart small.png 3+ 9 5 3 5 15 7 24 7 14 331 225 7.8 3150 4634 210 109.2 0.067 1.471 0.035 Double attack
Master Gremlin Master Gremlin Town portrait Tower small.png 1+ 4 4 1 2 4 5 8 16 32 66 40 1.275 1280 2112 128 40.8 0.100 1.650 0.032
Mage Mage Town portrait Tower small.png 4 11 8 7 9 25 5 24 4 8 570 350 8.4 2800 4560 200 67.2 0.071 1.629 0.024 No melee penalty, No obstacle penalty
Hero's combat spells cost 2 less mana
Arch Mage Arch Mage Town portrait Tower small.png 4+ 12 9 7 9 30 7 24 4 8 680 450 8.8 3600 5440 240 70.4 0.067 1.511 0.02 No melee penalty, No obstacle penalty
Hero's combat spells cost 2 less mana
Titan Titan Town portrait Tower small.png 7+ 24 24 40 60 300 11 24 1 2 7500 5000 85 10000 15000 600 170 0.060 1.500 0.017 No melee penalty, Hates Black Dragons
Immune to mind spells
Gog Gog Town portrait Inferno small.png 2 6 4 2 4 13 4 12 8 16 159 125 2.7 2000 2544 208 43.2 0.104 1.272 0.022
Magog Magog Town portrait Inferno small.png 2+ 7 4 2 4 13 6 24 8 16 240 175 2.775 2800 3840 208 44.4 0.074 1.371 0.016 Fireball Attack
Lich Lich Town portrait Necropolis small.png 5 13 10 11 13 30 6 12 3 6 848 550 13.8 3300 5088 180 82.8 0.055 1.542 0.025 Undead, Death Cloud
Power Lich Power Lich Town portrait Necropolis small.png 5+ 13 10 11 15 40 7 24 3 6 1079 600 14.95 3600 6474 240 89.7 0.067 1.798 0.025 Undead, Death Cloud
Beholder Beholder Town portrait Dungeon small.png 3 9 7 3 5 22 5 12 7 14 336 250 3.9 3500 4704 308 54.6 0.088 1.344 0.016 No melee penalty
Evil Eye Evil Eye Town portrait Dungeon small.png 3+ 10 8 3 5 22 7 24 7 14 367 280 4 3920 5138 308 56 0.079 1.311 0.014 No melee penalty
Medusa Medusa Town portrait Dungeon small.png 4 9 9 6 8 25 5 4 4 8 517 300 6.825 2400 4136 200 54.6 0.083 1.723 0.023 No melee penalty, Stone gaze
Medusa Queen Medusa Queen Town portrait Dungeon small.png 4+ 10 10 6 8 30 6 8 4 8 577 330 7 2640 4616 240 56 0.091 1.748 0.021 No melee penalty, Stone gaze
Orc Orc Town portrait Stronghold small.png 3 8 4 2 5 15 4 12 7 14 192 150 3.325 2100 2688 210 46.55 0.100 1.280 0.022
Orc Chieftain Orc Chieftain Town portrait Stronghold small.png 3+ 8 4 2 5 20 5 24 7 14 240 165 3.325 2310 3360 280 46.55 0.121 1.455 0.02
Cyclops Cyclops Town portrait Stronghold small.png 6 15 12 16 20 70 6 16 2 4 1266 750 22.5 3000 5064 280 90 0.093 1.688 0.03 Can attack siege walls
Cyclops King Cyclops King Town portrait Stronghold small.png 6+ 17 13 16 20 70 8 24 2 4 1443 1100 24.3 4400 5772 280 97.2 0.064 1.312 0.022 Can attack siege walls (x2)
Lizardman Lizardman Town portrait Fortress small.png 2 5 6 2 3 14 4 12 9 18 126 110 2.188 1980 2268 252 39.375 0.127 1.145 0.02
Lizard Warrior Lizard Warrior Town portrait Fortress small.png 2+ 6 8 2 5 15 5 24 9 18 156 140 3.15 2520 2808 270 56.7 0.107 1.114 0.023
Storm Elemental Storm Elemental Armageddon's Blade Town portrait Conflux small.png 2+ 9 9 2 8 25 8 24 6 12 486 275 4.875 3300 5832 300 58.5 0.091 1.767 0.018 Non-living, Spellcaster (Protection from Air)
Immune to Meteor Shower
Vulnerable to Lightning Bolt,Chain Lightning, and Armageddon
Ice Elemental Ice Elemental Armageddon's Blade Town portrait Conflux small.png 3+ 8 10 3 7 30 6 24 6 12 380 375 4.75 4500 4560 360 57 0.080 1.013 0.013 Non-living, Spellcaster (Protection from Water)
Immune to Ice Bolt and Frost Ring
Vulnerable to Fireball,Inferno, and Armageddon
Pirate Pirate Horn of the Abyss Town portrait Cove small.png 3 8 6 3 7 15 6 4 7 14 312 225 4.75 3150 4368 210 66.5 0.067 1.387 0.021 No melee penalty
Corsair Corsair Horn of the Abyss Town portrait Cove small.png 3+ 10 8 3 7 15 7 4 7 14 407 275 5 3850 5698 210 70 0.055 1.480 0.018 No melee penalty, No enemy retaliation
Sea Dog Sea Dog Horn of the Abyss Town portrait Cove small.png 3++ 12 11 3 7 15 8 12 7 14 602 375 5.5 5250 8428 210 77 0.040 1.605 0.015 No melee penalty, No enemy retaliation, Accurate shot
Sea Witch Sea Witch Horn of the Abyss Town portrait Cove small.png 5 12 7 10 14 35 6 12 3 6 790 515 13.2 3090 4740 210 79.2 0.068 1.534 0.026 Spellcaster (Weakness/Disrupting Ray) after attack (Bsc)
Sorceress Sorceress Horn of the Abyss Town portrait Cove small.png 5+ 12 9 10 16 35 7 12 3 6 852 565 14.3 3390 5112 210 85.8 0.062 1.508 0.025 Spellcaster (Weakness/Disrupting Ray) after attack (Adv)
Halfling (Factory) Halfling (Factory) Horn of the Abyss Town portrait Factory small.png 1 4 2 1 3 4 5 24 15 30 75 40 1.7 1200 2250 120 51 0.100 1.875 0.043 Always have +1 luck
Halfling Grenadier Halfling Grenadier Horn of the Abyss Town portrait Factory small.png 1+ 5 2 2 3 4 6 24 15 30 95 60 2.313 1800 2850 120 69.39 0.067 1.583 0.039 Always have +1 luck
Ranged attack ignores 20% of enemy's defense skill
Gunslinger Gunslinger Horn of the Abyss Town portrait Factory small.png 6 17 12 14 24 45 7 16 2 4 1351 800 25.65 3200 5404 180 102.6 0.056 1.689 0.032 Preemptive shot once per round
Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Horn of the Abyss Town portrait Factory small.png 6+ 18 14 14 24 45 8 24 2 4 1454 1100 26.6 4400 5816 180 106.4 0.041 1.322 0.024 Preemptive shot infinitely
Halfling Halfling Armageddon's Blade Town portrait Neutral small.png 1 4 2 1 3 4 5 24 15 15 75 40 1.7 600 1125 60 25.5 0.100 1.875 0.043 Always have +1 luck
Sharpshooter Sharpshooter Armageddon's Blade Town portrait Neutral small.png 4 12 10 8 10 15 9 32 4 4 585 400 9.9 1600 2340 60 39.6 0.038 1.463 0.025 No range penalty, No obstacle penalty
Enchanter Enchanter Armageddon's Blade Town portrait Neutral small.png 6 17 12 14 14 30 9 32 2 2 1210 750 18.9 1500 2420 60 37.8 0.040 1.613 0.025 No melee penalty, No obstacle penalty, Spellcaster
Ballista Ballista (-) - 5 10 10 2 3 250 - 24 - - 600 2500 2.5 - - - - 0.1 0.24 0.001 War Machine
Ballista Ballista (Bsc) - 5 10 10 2 3 250 - 24 - - 600 2500 3.75 - - - - 0.1 0.24 0.002 War Machine, Double Damage (50% chance)
Ballista Ballista (Adv) - 5 10 10 2 3 250 - 24 - - 600 2500 8.75 - - - - 0.1 0.24 0.004 War Machine, Double attack, Double Damage (75% chance)
Ballista Ballista (Exp) - 5 10 10 2 3 250 - 24 - - 600 2500 10 - - - - 0.1 0.24 0.004 War Machine, Double attack, Double Damage
Cannon Cannon (-/Bsc) Horn of the Abyss - 6 20 10 4 7 250 - 8 - - 875 4000 8.25 - - - - 0.0625 0.219 0.002 War Machine, Can attack siege walls
Cannon Cannon (Adv) Horn of the Abyss - 6 20 10 4 7 250 - 8 - - 875 4000 13.75 - - - - 0.0625 0.219 0.003 War Machine, Can attack siege walls, Double Damage
Cannon Cannon (Exp) Horn of the Abyss - 6 20 10 4 7 250 - 8 - - 875 4000 19.25 - - - - 0.0625 0.219 0.005 War Machine, Can attack siege walls, Triple Damage
Average 4 10.0 7.9 6.8 9.7 33.5 6.1 19.6 6.1 11.4 731.3 490.7 10.4 2937.9 4234.1 228.0 64.0 0.081 1.453 0.023
Average Horn of the Abyss 4 10.4 8.1 6.9 10.4 31.9 6.3 18.3 6.0 11.8 734.3 490.4 10.8 3079.2 4511.1 221.7 68.6 0.076 1.472 0.024

Key:[edit | edit source]

  • Att: Attack
  • Def: Defense
  • Dmg-: Minimum damage
  • Dmg+: Maximum damage
  • HP: Health
  • Spd: Speed
  • Gr: Growth
  • Max Gr: Maximum growth. The weekly growth of this creature in a town with a castle and a horde building (if applicable). Does not count artifacts such as the Statue of Legion, astrology, creature dwellings on the adventure map, nor any other factors.
  • AI Val: AI value per troop.
  • Gold Cost: Cost per troop
  • Dmg/Turn*: Average damage dealt per troop when the creature attacks (see below).
  • Max Gr Gold cost: 'Maximum growth' (as above) multiplied by the cost per troop. How much it costs to purchase an ordinary town's entire weekly growth of this creature.
  • Max Gr AI Value: 'Maximum growth' (as above) multiplied by the AI value per troop. This approximately measures how powerful an ordinary town's entirely weekly growth of this creature is.
  • Max Gr Total HP: 'Maximum growth' (as above) multiplied by Health. This is useful to know if you want to farm demons, for example.
  • Max Gr DPT*: 'Maximum growth' (as above) multiplied by 'average damage per troop'. How much damage an ordinary town's entirely weekly growth of this creature will deal when it attacks, on average.
  • HP per Gold: Health divided by Cost per troop. This is useful if you want to use this creature defensively. A higher value means you get more health for a given amount of gold spent.
  • AI Val per Gold: AI value per troop divided by Cost per troop. A higher value means you get a scarier army for a given amount of gold spent.
  • DPT* per Gold: 'Average damage per troop' divided by Cost per troop. A higher value means you get more damage output for a given amount of gold spent.

Notes[edit | edit source]

*See Damage for full damage equation/calculation.

*All damage per turn (DpT) calculations are made based on the following factors:

See also[edit source]