
From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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Shadow of Death Armageddon's Blade Restoration of Erathia
nwcagents nwcdarthmaul nwcfleshwound 10 Black Knights join the currently selected hero's army in each available creature slot.
nwcbluepill nwcsirrobin The player immediately forfeits the game and is shown the execution cutscene.
nwcfollowthewhiterabbit nwccastleanthrax The currently selected hero permanently gains maximum luck.
nwcignoranceisbliss All areas not currently visible to the player become shrouded in darkness.
nwclotsofguns nwcr2d2 nwcantioch Each empty war machine slot in the currently selected hero's inventory is filled with the corresponding war machine.
nwcmorpheus nwcmuchrejoicing The currently selected hero permanently gains maximum morale.
nwcnebuchadnezzar nwcpodracer nwccoconuts The currently selected hero permanently gains unlimited movement.
nwcneo nwcquigon nwcigotbetter The currently selected hero gains 1 level.
nwcoracle nwcprophecy nwcalreadygotone The puzzle map is permanently revealed.
nwcphisherprice nwcphisherprice Changes the color scheme to that of Heroes of Might and Magic II.
nwcredpill nwctrojanrabbit The player immediately wins the game and is shown the dragon cutscene.
nwctheconstruct nwcwatto nwcshrubbery The player receives 100000 Gold and 100 each for Wood, Ore, Crystal, Gem, Mercury, and Sulfur.
nwcthereisnospoon nwcmidichlorians nwctim The currently selected hero is equipped with a spell book, gains 999 spell points, and learns all spells.
nwctrinity nwcpadme nwcavertingoureyes 5 Archangels join the currently selected hero's army in each available creature slot.
nwcwhatisthematrix nwcrevealourselves nwcgeneraldirection All areas of the adventure map are revealed.
nwczion nwccoruscant nwconlyamodel All towns on the map are fully upgraded, including the grail structure.
gosolo AI takes control of current player. Can be cancelled by pressing ESC during the brief popup at the end of each day.

nwctheone[edit | edit source]

  • New cheat added by the HD mod.
  • Reveals the whole map and grants 5 archangels in each empty slot, infinite movement points, and flight.