Category:Wiki Content
From Heroes of Might and Magic III
Jump to navigationJump to search 1 /* Backgrounds */
2 body {
3 background: url('')
4 }
6 #mw-head-base,
7 #mw-head,
8 #mw-page-base {
9 background: transparent;
10 }
12 /*Dark inner area*/
13 table,
14 {
15 color: white;
16 background: url('');
17 }
19 /* Items with borders */
21 #mw-content-text {
22 border-image-source: url('');
23 border-image-slice: 8 9 8 9;
24 border-image-width: 8px 9px 8px 9px;
25 border-image-outset: 8px 9px 8px 9px;
26 border-image-repeat: repeat repeat;
27 }
29 /* Thick blue border */
30 #content {
31 border-image-source: url('');
32 border-image-slice: 48 48 48 48;
33 border-image-width: 48px 48px 48px 48px;
34 border-image-outset: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
35 border-image-repeat: repeat repeat;
36 }
38 /* Thick red border */
39 .vector-menu-content {
40 border-image-source: url('');
41 border-image-slice: 48 48 48 48;
42 border-image-width: 48px 48px 48px 48px;
43 border-image-outset: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
44 border-image-repeat: repeat repeat;
45 }
47 .vector-legacy-sidebar .vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-content {
48 padding: 24px;
49 margin: 0;
50 background: url('');
51 }
53 #content {
54 background: url('');
55 color: white;
56 margin-top: 4px;
57 }
59 #content {
60 padding: 48px;
61 }
63 /* Headings */
64 h1,
65 h2,
66 h3,
67 h4 {
68 color: white;
69 }
71 /* Links */
72 a,
73 a:visited {
74 color: lightblue !important;
75 }
77 /* Font colors */
78 .vector-menu-heading-label,
79 .mw-redirectedfrom {
80 color: white !important;
81 }
83 /* Tabs are annoying */
84 #left-navigation .vector-menu-tabs {
85 border: 2px solid darkgoldenrod;
86 }
88 .vector-menu-tabs .vector-menu-content {
89 border: 2px solid black;
90 }
92 #left-navigation .vector-menu-content-list {
93 border: 2px solid darkgoldenrod;
94 }
96 {
97 background: transparent !important;
98 padding: 0.2em 0.6em;
99 }
101 .vector-menu-tabs .vector-menu-content-list li:not(:last-child) {
102 border-right: 2px solid goldenrod;
103 }
105 .vector-menu-tabs-legacy li a {
106 background: none;
107 height: initial;
108 padding: 0;
109 margin: 0;
110 }
112 /* Top menu list is different */
113 #p-personal .vector-menu-content-list {
114 border: none;
115 }
117 #mw-content-text {
118 padding: 8px;
119 }
121 /* Disable tools header */
122 #p-tb-label {
123 display: none;
124 }
126 /* Disable sliver of image */
127 #p-views {
128 background: none;
129 height: initial;
130 }
Media in category "Wiki Content"
The following 82 files are in this category, out of 82 total.
- 176-146-overlay.png 176 × 146; 831 bytes
- 176-76-overlay.png 176 × 76; 702 bytes
- Artifact-box.png 256 × 488; 124 KB
- Artifact-combination-box.png 448 × 684; 438 KB
- Blue-border-corner.png 72 × 72; 3 KB
- Blue-border-horizontal.png 72 × 16; 1 KB
- Blue-border-vertical.png 17 × 72; 1 KB
- Border-blue.png 143 × 143; 11 KB
- Border-gold.png 44 × 44; 2 KB
- Border-red.png 143 × 143; 11 KB
- Class-box.png 464 × 790; 392 KB
- Classes-12-box.png 168 × 832; 127 KB
- Classes-9-box.png 168 × 688; 105 KB
- Creature-box.png 304 × 382; 189 KB
- Creatures-box-cove.png 240 × 642; 142 KB
- Creatures-box-factory.png 240 × 686; 152 KB
- Creatures-box.png 240 × 606; 134 KB
- Dwelling-portrait-box-noexp.png 762 × 186; 52 KB
- Dwelling-portrait-box-noexp2.png 762 × 186; 53 KB
- Dwelling-portrait-box-small-noexp.png 475 × 186; 49 KB
- Dwelling-portrait-box-small.png 475 × 186; 49 KB
- Dwelling-portrait-box.png 762 × 186; 52 KB
- Dwelling-portrait-box2.png 762 × 186; 54 KB
- Fortifications-box.png 958 × 456; 133 KB
- Hero-box-large-nospart.png 368 × 969; 466 KB
- Hero-box-large.png 658 × 920; 860 KB
- Hero-box-separator.png 368 × 4; 886 bytes
- Hero-box-small-2p.png 368 × 604; 274 KB
- Hero-box-small.png 368 × 604; 274 KB
- Inner-corner.png 9 × 9; 629 bytes
- Inner-horizontal.png 20 × 8; 592 bytes
- Inner-junction-T-horizontal-1.png 11 × 9; 664 bytes
- Inner-junction-T-horizontal-2.png 11 × 9; 636 bytes
- Inner-junction-T-vertical.png 9 × 11; 676 bytes
- Inner-vertical.png 9 × 20; 584 bytes
- Leather-blue-dark.png 256 × 256; 59 KB
- Leather-blue.png 256 × 256; 65 KB
- Leather-dark.png 256 × 256; 119 KB
- Leather-extra-dark.png 256 × 256; 85 KB
- Leather.png 256 × 256; 133 KB
- Marble-dark.png 128 × 128; 35 KB
- Marble.png 128 × 128; 40 KB
- Minimap back.png 164 × 608; 89 KB
- Red-corner.png 72 × 72; 3 KB
- Red-horizontal.png 72 × 16; 1 KB
- Red-vertical.png 17 × 72; 1 KB
- Scroll-bar-bottom.png 38 × 1; 618 bytes
- Scroll-bar-left.png 1 × 36; 1 KB
- Scroll-bar-right.png 1 × 36; 1 KB
- Scroll-bar-top.png 38 × 1; 632 bytes
- Scroll-bottom-highlight.png 38 × 14; 2 KB
- Scroll-bottom.png 38 × 14; 2 KB
- Scroll-top-highlight.png 38 × 14; 2 KB
- Scroll-top.png 38 × 14; 2 KB
- Shroud.png 96 × 96; 8 KB
- Town-creatures-box-bottom.png 184 × 84; 1 KB
- Town-creatures-box-double-bottom.png 184 × 154; 1 KB
- Town-creatures-box-double-row.png 184 × 154; 1 KB
- Town-creatures-box-double-top.png 184 × 154; 1 KB
- Town-creatures-box-row.png 184 × 84; 1 KB
- Town-creatures-box-top.png 184 × 84; 1 KB
- Town-in-box.png 808 × 382; 4 KB
- Town-screen-box.png 808 × 382; 4 KB
- Towns-12-box.png 150 × 436; 59 KB
- Towns-15-box.png 150 × 544; 74 KB
- Towns-9-box.png 150 × 436; 49 KB
- Towns-small-box.png 184 × 228; 1 KB
- Towns-small-creatures-12-box.png 240 × 192; 44 KB
- Towns-small-creatures-15-box.png 240 × 228; 52 KB
- Towns-small-creatures-9-box.png 240 × 156; 35 KB
- WRPOCS Creature 3C.png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.89 MB
- WRPOCS Creature.png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.65 MB
- WRPOCS Hero hC2C.png 1,920 × 1,080; 2.19 MB
- WRPOCS Hero hC3C.png 1,920 × 1,080; 2.17 MB
- WRPOCS Hero hC4C.png 1,920 × 1,080; 2.17 MB
- WRPOCS Hero Main Menu sB.png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.83 MB
- WRPOCS Hero Main Menu wB.png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.83 MB
- WRPOCS Hero vC2C.png 1,920 × 1,080; 2.28 MB
- WRPOCS Hero vC3C.png 1,920 × 1,080; 2.26 MB
- WRPOCS Hero vC4C.png 1,920 × 1,080; 2.26 MB
- WRPOCS Scenario.png 1,920 × 1,080; 2.55 MB
- WRPOCS Town.png 1,920 × 1,080; 2.62 MB