Air Magic

From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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This article refers to the secondary skill. For air magic spells, see School of Air Magic.

Secondary skills
Expert Air Magic large.png Air Magic
Expert Archery large.png Archery
Expert Armorer large.png Armorer
Expert Artillery large.png Artillery
Expert Ballistics large.png Ballistics
Expert Diplomacy large.png Diplomacy
Expert Eagle Eye large.png Eagle Eye
Expert Earth Magic large.png Earth Magic
Expert Estates large.png Estates
Expert Fire Magic large.png Fire Magic
Expert First Aid large.png First Aid
Expert Intelligence large.png Intelligence
Expert Interference large.png Interference Horn of the Abyss
Expert Leadership large.png Leadership
Expert Learning large.png Learning
Expert Logistics large.png Logistics
Expert Luck large.png Luck
Expert Mysticism large.png Mysticism
Expert Navigation large.png Navigation
Expert Necromancy large.png Necromancy
Expert Offense large.png Offense
Expert Pathfinding large.png Pathfinding
Expert Resistance large.png Resistance
Expert Scholar large.png Scholar
Expert Scouting large.png Scouting
Expert Sorcery large.png Sorcery
Expert Tactics large.png Tactics
Expert Water Magic large.png Water Magic
Expert Wisdom large.png Wisdom
Air Magic
Basic Air Magic large.png Basic Air Magic: allows your hero to cast air spells at reduced cost.
Advanced Air Magic large.png Advanced Air Magic: allows your hero to cast air spells at reduced cost and increased effectiveness.
Expert Air Magic large.png Expert Air Magic: allows your hero to cast air spells at reduced cost and maximum effectiveness.

There is a special rule in place that offers schools of magic more often as a choice when leveling up than the secondary skill learning percentages suggest: a new school of magic will be offered at least every 4 levels for Might heroes and every 3 levels for Magic heroes. For example: a Might hero was not offered a school of magic when reaching levels 2 and 3; the hero will then be guaranteed to be offered a magic school at level 4; at level 8, the hero will again be offered a new magic school if none were offered at levels 5, 6, or 7.

Heroes with Air Magic as a starting skill:

Chance to get[edit | edit source]

Out of total 112 for Shadow of Death, and of (112 + Interference chance) for Horn of the Abyss Horn of the Abyss.
Banned skills change the probability.

Town Class Chance to learn
Town portrait Castle small.png Castle  Knight  3
Town portrait Castle small.png Castle  Cleric  4
Town portrait Rampart small.png Rampart  Ranger  1 (lowest)
Town portrait Rampart small.png Rampart  Druid  2
Town portrait Tower small.png Tower  Alchemist  4
Town portrait Tower small.png Tower  Wizard  6 (highest)
Town portrait Inferno small.png Inferno  Demoniac  2
Town portrait Inferno small.png Inferno  Heretic  3
Town portrait Necropolis small.png Necropolis  Death Knight  2
Town portrait Necropolis small.png Necropolis  Necromancer  3
Town portrait Dungeon small.png Dungeon  Overlord  1 (lowest)
Town portrait Dungeon small.png Dungeon  Warlock  2
Town portrait Stronghold small.png Stronghold  Barbarian  3
Town portrait Stronghold small.png Stronghold  Battle Mage  3
Town portrait Fortress small.png Fortress  Beastmaster  1 (lowest)
Town portrait Fortress small.png Fortress  Witch  3
Town portrait Conflux small.png Conflux  Planeswalker  2
Town portrait Conflux small.png Conflux  Elementalist  6 (highest)
Town portrait Cove small.png Cove Horn of the Abyss     Captain  3
Town portrait Cove small.png Cove Horn of the Abyss     Navigator  6 (highest)
Town portrait Factory small.png Factory Horn of the Abyss     Mercenary   3
Town portrait Factory small.png Factory Horn of the Abyss     Artificer   3

User commentary

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Some may find the information in this section subjective or irrelevant.

Like other magic schools, Air Magic is very important. At the expert level, Haste may help a lot as your entire army will possibly move before the enemy's army, and even some very slow units get decent speed. Dimension Door and Fly are extremely helpful for moving on the adventure map. Chain Lightning may wipe out the whole opposing army (while it's a double-edged sword, as if there are less than five stacks, Chain Lightning will damage your own troops - initially it hits four stacks, thus you get unable to use it against an enemy with that exact stacks number), and Lightning Bolt is useful on early stages of the game. Other helpful Air spells are, for example, Disrupting Ray, Precision, and Counterstrike.

The main reasons for choosing Air Magic are Fly, Dimension Door and Haste spells. The first two are perhaps the most powerful adventure spells, together with Town Portal. However, both of them are typically banned in custom maps. Nevertheless, Expert Air Magic causes Haste to be cast as a mass spell, which still makes it worth the secondary skill slot. Other noteworthy spells are Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning, both powerful combat spells.

Don't forget view air, it lets you see ALL towns and player heroes even in areas that you haven't explored yet. Requires no movement points and only 1 spell point.

See also: