
From Heroes of Might and Magic III
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For creatures that cannot be hired in a town, see neutral creatures.
Alignment is a characteristic of a town type and its associated heroes and creatures. Heroes and creatures have the same alignment as the towns they are associated with, not the towns in which they are hired. There are three town alignments in Heroes of Might and Magic III: good, evil and neutral.

Good towns are:
Evil towns are:
Neutral towns are:

Neutral creatures have no alignment, they do not count as troops from a neutral town, so they do not get the luck buff from Clover Fields, or morale buff from Angelic Alliance.

Alignment has almost no direct impact on the gameplay, and it is mostly used in the game storyline. There are a few minor exceptions though:
Altar of Sacrifice.gifClover Field (h).gifHoly Ground (h).gifEvil Fog (h).gif

Town alignment[edit | edit source]

Town alignments in the army: 1 2 3 4 5-7
Morale modifier: +1 0 -1 -2 -3
  • In terms of Morale deficits for having creatures of different alignments, each town is considered its own alignment (i.e. having Castle, Rampart and Tower troops will result in -1 morale) and Neutral creatures count as their own town.
  • Angelic Alliance allows a hero to have creatures from good and neutral towns with morale bonus +1, as if they were from one town (thus neglecting morale penalty). Conflux creatures are not affected, but in Horn of the Abyss  Horn of the Abyss, Conflux units who are not immune to morale receive the bonus, and so do Cove and Factory creatures. If an evil alignment creature appears in the army of a hero who has Angelic Alliance, units from good and neutral towns are still considered to be one faction.
  • The Temple of Loyalty  Horn of the Abyss makes all creatures in the visiting hero's army be considered as being of the same town alignment for the duration of the turn.