Adventures of Jared Haret

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Smap sod gelu gem.png
Adventures of Jared Haret
3 Total Players / 1 Human Player
Size 1 (36×36) - S
Underground enabled
Scenario Description
Can Jared Haret, renowned explorer, make his way home from the dark catacombs in which he finds himself lost?
Victory Condition
Capture Town Castle Haret.
Capture Town.png
Loss Condition
Lose Hero Jared Haret the Knight.
Lose Hero.png
Allies: Red
Enemies: BlueTan
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Adventures of Jared Haret map fullauto.png
Adventures of Jared Haret minimap.png
Adventures of Jared Haret underground map fullauto.png
Adventures of Jared Haret underground minimap.png

Red Red start with a Town portrait Castle small.png Castle, Blue Blue with a Town portrait Dungeon small.png Dungeon, Tan Tan with either Town portrait Castle small.png Castle or Town portrait Tower small.png Tower.

Heroes[edit | edit source]

Red EdricEdric Edric the Knight as Jared Haret, uses OrrinOrrin Orrin's portrait. Level 3, at 6, 33, underground. Start with 10 Crusader Crusaders and 2 Champion Champions, Basic Diplomacy, and Advanced Leadership.
Blue GunnarGunnar Gunnar the Overlord, level 5, at 2, 9 underground.
Tan ThaneThane Thane the Alchemist as Tenith, level 6, with custom biography ("Thenith is Tumlac's second lieutenant and is utterly loyal to him."), 20 Genie Genies, and 30 Iron Golem Iron Golems, primary skills 3/3/4/4, Basic Leadership, Expert Wisdom, Advanced Water Magic, Greater Gnoll's Flail, Buckler of the Gnoll King, Bless, Cure, Curse, Disguise, Hypnotize, Ice Bolt, at 4, 18 surface. TheodorusTheodorus Theodorus the Wizard as Tumlac, level 15, with 65 Halberdier Halberdiers, 35 Marksman Marksman, 20 Royal Griffin Royal Griffins, 8 Crusader Crusaders, a Ballista Ballista, Berserk, Counterstrike, Meteor Shower, primary skills 3/3/5/5, at 33, 24 surface.