From Heroes of Might and Magic III
Jump to navigationJump to searchA retired Gnoll Witch who advises
Tarnum. Adamina is old, arthritic, and uses a cane. She has one eye permanently closed as the result of an old wound and is well-respected by the Mudlanders.
Story[edit | edit source]
Adamina seemed to immediately suspect that Tarnum was not a Mudlander from the moment she joined his forces. When Brellick faltered at creating a system of laws, Adamina stepped in the create the laws that would become the basis for the nation of Tatalia. When she was captured by Earl Rambert, Tarnum and the other leaders came up with a plan to trade Prince Niven for her. Once she was freed, she and the other Witches named the budding nation "Tatalia" and officially designated Droglo as Tarnum's second-in-command.